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Encouraging the Active Role of the Media in Supervising the Successful, Safe and Peaceful 2024 Election


By: Dina Kahyang Putri )*

The active role of the media and also the press to be able to continue to oversee the entire process and series of General Elections (Elections) in the upcoming 2024 so that they can run successfully, safely and peacefully is indeed a very important thing to be able to realize together.

A number of journalist organizations, consisting of the Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI), the Indonesian Television Journalists Association (IJTI), the Indonesian Cyber ​​Media Network (JMSI), the Indonesian Cyber ​​Media Union (SMSI) and the Indonesian National Private Broadcasting Radio Association in South Kalimantan (Kalsel) , all of which are constituents of the Press Council, have formed the Banua Press Consortium.

It is known that the declaration from the Banua Press Consortium was carried out on Thursday, June 22, 2023 at the Banjarmasin Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Seminar Building. Then, the Chairman of the South Kalimantan SMSI, Anang Fadhilah stated that his party welcomed the secondment very well because it was a joint agreement from the journalists’ organization in South Kalimantan.

He also added that apparently until now, there were still journalism practices that turned out to ignore the journalistic code of ethics. So of course with the presence of the organization and also the declaration made, it will be able to answer all questions regarding the disregard for this code of ethics.

Therefore, it is absolutely undeniable that the role of the Banua press is to be able to oversee regional development and also to further oversee the success of the series of democratic parties and political contestation through the upcoming 2024 General Elections (Pemilu) so as not to go outside the rules already set.

It is hoped that all media and press circles can act in a much more intelligent and professional manner, so that with this highly upheld professionalism, then of course there will also be a real and active role or contribution from the press and media circles in overseeing the implementation of the 2024 Election. Not only that, but it turns out how the attitude of the press and the media is also very influential for the improvement of regional development which is getting better.

For this reason, the declaration of the Banua Press Consortium is not only a matter of educating journalists, but also the contribution journalists have to their respective regions. Because the main goal desired by the association of many of these organizations is to be able to create healthy, professional and dignified journalists.

In particular, regarding the issue of the implementation of the 2024 election itself which is also increasingly in sight, journalists themselves should indeed have a professional and independent attitude. Don’t let the news they write or distribute to the general public discredit just one party, including journalists who don’t spread false news or hoaxes, so they really have to uphold integrity by continuing to spread facts.

Meanwhile, the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) is also very ready to carry out maximum supervision of broadcasts and political advertisements, especially ahead of the 2024 General Election. This supervision will be carried out to the fullest in all broadcasting institutions.

The existence of strict supervision carried out by KPI itself has the aim of being able to ensure that the process of implementing a democratic party in Indonesia, which is spread across all mass media, especially television (TV) and radio so that it can run properly, fairly, balanced, proportional and most importantly is so that it can cool down, so that it does not have the potential to cause divisions in society.

Member of the Central KPI, Aliyah explained that the supervision carried out had also become one of the priority programs that had been announced by the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission itself. Not even half-hearted, supervision and monitoring is carried out directly and 24 hours a day without stopping.

Not just monitoring, KPI also provides notes on the results of the monitoring they carry out, which will then be given to the General Elections Commission (KPU), especially regarding data on broadcasting institutions that are indicated as not having broadcast licenses at the time of the election. going on.

Cooperation and integration as well as good coordination between the KPI and the KPU are carried out to be able to carry out early protection in order to further minimize the existence of the media which may be felt to be able to spread misleading information to the public, especially since there are so many cases in the regions that vigilance is needed. extra.

Escorting all processes and stages of the implementation of the democratic party and political contestation, namely the General Elections (Elections) in the upcoming 2024 must indeed be able to be escorted so that they can run successfully, safely and peacefully. This escort should also be carried out by various parties, without exception the media and the press which must also play a very active role to jointly realize smooth circulation in the circulation of leadership changes every 5 (five) years in Indonesia.

)* The author is a contributor to Persada Institute

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