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Government Strengthens Security from KST Papua Threats Ahead of 2024 Election


Papua Island is an integral part of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) which has long faced security challenges and is a conflict-prone area with the presence of the Terrorist Separatist Group (KST) which is actively seeking independence through various armed actions.

The government has a strong responsibility to strengthen security, including the security of the Papua region from all forms of KSTP threats to influence the democratic process and threaten regional stability ahead of the 2024 elections.

One of the main steps taken by the government is increasing patrols and surveillance in areas that are vulnerable to KST activities. The police and other security forces were deployed intensively to ensure that the situation remained under control and safe for citizens who wanted to cast their votes.

By observing developments in the security situation in the Papua region, currently the government has anticipated security threats including Armed Criminal Groups in Papua ahead of the 2024 Election. Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia Ma’ruf Amin said everything including technical problems, security problems, implementation problems, financing and everything has been prepared.

Of course, security measures continue to be deployed involving the cooperation of security forces and intensive monitoring of potential security threats. The government has also increased the number of TNI-Polri personnel in the region to strengthen security and patrols to prevent provocative actions from KST Papua.

Meanwhile, Acting (PJ) Governor of Central Papua, Ribka Haluk, said that for the 2024 Election preparation plans, his party would continue to coordinate with relevant stakeholders to handle the anticipated threat of KKB. The government has prepared everything, one of which is the security aspect which continues to coordinate and security forces will carry out safaris held by the regional police and other security institutions in four regions.

The 2024 Election Safari activity aims to strengthen synergy between the TNI, Polri, Regional Government and Election organizers in making the 2024 Election a success in South Papua Province. More than 300 participants, including representatives from political parties, security forces and a number of related parties, attended this activity.

Close cooperation between the police and military involves exchanging information and coordinating actions to deal with potential threats quickly and efficiently. This is done to improve response to emergency situations and ensure public safety.

Apart from security measures, the government will also carry out outreach in the community to ensure that the elections can run smoothly throughout the Papua region. Ribka Haluk added that socialization had started from Central Papua Province and the financing was with the KPU as well as other preparations. Elections are a mandatory state agenda and must be implemented so that security problems in Papua must not disrupt the democratic party.

The socialization carried out is very important to provide education to the public so that they are not influenced by all KTSP actions. The government hopes to reduce the encouragement of separatist activities.

Appropriate security strategies in a number of conflict-prone areas such as Papua must be a priority for TNI and Polri officials. Not only that, cooperation between the Regional Government and local communities is also important to maintain Papua’s conduciveness ahead of the elections.

This was a special note from the Acting Governor of Papua, Muhammad Ridwan Rudalamun, asking regional heads in districts and cities to maintain security stability ahead of the upcoming 2024 elections. The regents and mayors are also asked to actively communicate with the Regional General Election Commission (KPUD) and the local TNI/Polri, in order to ward off any forms or efforts that have the potential to trigger conflict and disrupt security stability.

Muhammad Ridwan Rudalamun emphasized that this means that all parties, both regional heads and related stakeholders, must work together to maintain security stability ahead of the elections and regional elections. So that the people’s party can run as expected and then produce the best leaders in districts, cities and provinces, as well as presidents.

Previously, the TNI Commander, Admiral Yudo Margono, responded to threats to the border line, especially those that KST Papua continues to make on its 78th anniversary. He admitted that the security forces in Indonesia had developed a series of optimal strategies to realize defense in this conflict-prone area.

The preparation of an archipelagic defense strategy has indeed been carried out, in which the preparation of the strategy itself has been highly adapted to the current geopolitical and geostrategic conditions. With a good strategy that has been prepared, the public will be able to experience for themselves how strong the security forces’ commitment is.

The Indonesian government emphasized that it will not tolerate Papuan KST activities that undermine the country’s sovereignty. Strict law enforcement is applied against individuals or groups involved in separatist activities. This includes in-depth investigations, fair trials, and appropriate punishment for those found guilty.

With the proactive and preventive steps taken by the government, it is hoped that the election process can take place safely, fairly and peacefully without any interference from the KSTP and provide an opportunity for all Indonesian citizens, including Papuans, to participate in electing their leaders. It is hoped that it can make a positive contribution in creating a conducive environment for democracy in the Papua region.

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