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IKN Accommodates the Interests of Indigenous Peoples


Jakarta – The National Capital City (IKN) will be moved to East Kalimantan and the Government will continue to accommodate indigenous peoples. As hosts, they will still be respected and given their rights. Not just sidelined.

The transfer of the national capital from DKI Jakarta to Penajam Paser Utara, East Kalimantan is big news. The reason for this is because not only government offices and the presidential palace have been moved, but also their employees and some residents of Jakarta. The move took several years and is currently still under construction.

IKN is currently under construction. The government guarantees that development will run smoothly and safely because it pays attention to indigenous peoples. A part of the Archipelago IKN area is customary land so that the rights of indigenous peoples are still respected as highly as possible.

Head of the IKN Authority, Bambang Susantono, hopes that indigenous peoples can be sure that the development of the IKN is for the future of their region and for the sake of everyone. In a sense, the development of IKN is for the future of all Indonesian people. The capital city was moved so that this country would be more developed, and the position of IKN which is in the middle of Indonesia will realize equitable development.

Penajam Paser Utara is of course very different from DKI Jakarta. In eastern Kalimantan there are still land and areas that are being developed. In order to build the IKN, the government will use some of the customary land and the people do not have to worry because the rights of indigenous peoples will be respected and valued.

Head of the Legal Bureau of the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency, Joko Subagyo, stated that there is a land acquisition mechanism at the IKN. There are two IKN locations, namely forest areas and other use areas. The acquisition of IKN land is obtained in two ways, namely the release of forest areas and land acquisition.

Joko continued, both of these methods certainly pay attention to customary law communities or individuals who already exist in IKN. As for land acquisition, of course it must be in accordance with statutory regulations, namely Law Number 2 of 2012 concerning Land Acquisition for Development in the Public Interest.

In a sense, land acquisition for IKN is in accordance with the law and will not harm the community because it is also in accordance with customary law. Indeed Indonesia is a rule of law country, but we also have to pay attention when in certain areas such as Kalimantan the customary law is very strong. Customary law also applies as long as it does not conflict with state law.

When land acquisition at IKN pays attention to the community and customary law, it is guaranteed that their rights will not be violated. They have owned the area in eastern Kalimantan for generations. So that when there is an IKN development there will be no expropriation of customary land, but with land acquisition in accordance with state law as well and in accordance with adab.

Indeed, there are indigenous peoples who do not have positions in the local government, but they should be respected as indigenous people as well as elders in Kalimantan. When they first landed, of course the IKN development project crew had already had an audience with them to introduce themselves. At the same time to discuss the issue of customary land.

The land acquisition process is in accordance with customary law and the payment of compensation is also adjusted to the land price in the area or according to a mutual agreement. This is because customary land is customary land that has been owned from generation to generation. But the weakness of the land is not certified because it is the result of inheritance.

Communities around Sepaku and Penajem Paser Utara don’t have to worry that if they live on customary land, the government will not evict them. Later there will be an agreement for the transfer, of course after the compensation process is complete. It is guaranteed that their rights will be maintained even though there is construction of the national capital.

It is a big mistake if the acquisition of customary land is a form of colonialism today because the government does not underestimate the indigenous people of Kalimantan. They are still respected and will be best managed for the new settlement issue.

People are asked to be calm and not to clash between indigenous peoples and the government. Indigenous peoples have complied with the rules and are aware that the development of the IKN is for the future of Indonesia. They also understand that DKI Jakarta is no longer fit to be the capital city of Indonesia, because it is too crowded, jammed, and the environment is not healthy.

Don’t be a provocateur and incite indigenous peoples to oppose the construction of the IKN. The existence of IKN is very important for the progress of Kalimantan and other islands in Indonesia. IKN is not a government project that is too ambitious, because it has been carefully thought out, without harming the indigenous peoples and local residents of Kalimantan. Land acquisition in the national capital area is a big project and the government ensures that no indigenous people’s rights will be taken away. Indeed, their land was made into the Archipelago IKN area but there will be compensation at a reasonable price. 

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