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IKN Development Continues to Accommodate the Interests of Indigenous Communities


By: M. Ofan Ramadhan

The development of the Indonesian Capital City (IKN) is a major project being implemented by the Indonesian government. This is done as an effort to strengthen the economy and advance the country, and on the other hand, the development of the IKN has taken into account the interests and accommodated the interests of indigenous communities.

The government realizes that indigenous peoples have rights that must be respected and protected. Therefore, in the planning and implementation process of IKN development, the government has involved all representatives of indigenous communities to provide input and ensure that their interests are accommodated by the government.

Head of the Archipelago Capital Authority (OIKN), Bambang Susantono, said that indigenous peoples should understand that IKN development will have an impact on their region, so that it will also have an impact on everyone in improving their economy. Apart from that, IKN development is also a form of equal distribution of Indonesia-centric national development.

It should be noted that in the construction of IKN the government uses some customary land, but the government has ensured that indigenous peoples will not be disturbed or evicted from their land. The government has also taken steps to protect the rights of indigenous peoples related to land ownership. Indigenous communities are given guarantees that they will continue to have access and control over their land, and receive fair compensation in the event of evictions necessary for the development of the Indonesian Capital City.

The positive impact of IKN development for indigenous communities is very significant. One of them is improving accessibility and infrastructure. The construction of IKN will bring major changes in terms of transportation, such as the construction of better roads and railway networks. This will make it easier for indigenous peoples to access public services, such as education and health. Apart from that, development of better infrastructure will also open up new opportunities for indigenous peoples in the tourism and economic sectors.

It is important to note that IKN development does not disrupt the lives of indigenous communities. In this development process, the government has paid attention to environmental sustainability and the cultural sustainability of indigenous communities. The government has taken steps to ensure that the environment and culture of indigenous peoples are protected and preserved. For example, the government continues to involve indigenous communities in managing natural resources around the IKN development area.

Apart from that, the government has also implemented programs to strengthen the culture of indigenous communities. These programs include training and education about indigenous people’s culture, as well as support for efforts to preserve and develop indigenous culture. Thus, IKN development not only has a positive economic impact, but also strengthens the identity and culture of indigenous communities

Head of the Legal Bureau of the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency, Joko Subagyo, said there are two mechanisms for land acquisition in IKN, namely forest areas and other use areas. This can be obtained in two ways, namely the release of forest areas and land acquisition. Both of these methods certainly take into account customary law communities or individuals who already exist in IKN. Meanwhile, land procurement must of course comply with statutory regulations, namely Law Number 2 of 2012 concerning Land Acquisition for Development in the Public Interest.

IKN development is also expected to increase the progress of indigenous communities. With better infrastructure development, indigenous communities will have easier access to resources and economic opportunities. The government has also committed to providing training and education to indigenous communities so that they can make optimal use of these new opportunities. Thus, IKN development can be a catalyst for reducing the economic gap between indigenous communities and other communities.

Apart from that, the development of the Indonesian Capital City has also brought progress to indigenous communities. In this development process, indigenous communities have been given the opportunity to participate and obtain comparable benefits. The positive impacts of IKN development for indigenous communities include increasing income, infrastructure accessibility, better education and health, and cultural preservation.

Sepaku traditional leader, Sibukdin, said that his party believes that the Head of the IKN Authority through the Deputy Sosbudpemas will fight for the rights of indigenous peoples in Sepaku, which is part of the IKN area. They also hope that they will remain in the middle of the capital city and not be left aside, because after all, this is their ancestral land and it is hoped that the existence of IKN will bring prosperity and prosperity to indigenous communities.

In conclusion, the development of the Archipelago Capital City has accommodated the interests of indigenous peoples well. The positive impact of this development for indigenous communities is very significant, such as the creation of new jobs, increased infrastructure accessibility, better education and health, and cultural preservation. It is important to continue to involve indigenous communities in this development process, as well as ensuring the environmental and cultural sustainability of indigenous communities. Thus, the development of IKN can be a good example in building the welfare of indigenous communities and increasing the nation’s progress.

The author is an observer of social and economic problems

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