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IKN Infrastructure Development Increases Community Optimism


In early November 2023, President Joko Widodo carried out a series of inaugurations of new infrastructure development in the Archipelago Capital (IKN) area. The construction of new facilities includes toll roads, airports, schools and hospitals in the IKN area.

This series of activities conveys a message to the public regarding the government’s commitment to realizing IKN development that is transparent, accountable, timely and targeted, in order to increase public trust. Apart from that, with the presence of new facilities being built at IKN, it can increase investor interest, both domestic and international, so that IKN can be implemented immediately.

The toll road, whose construction has reached 55 percent, will reduce travel time from Balikpapan to IKN, which was originally 2 hours 15 minutes to 50 minutes. It is hoped that this toll road can be used by the public in 2024.

The presence of an airport is vital in supporting the development of the IKN area to be more open, connected and easy to reach, as well as increasing competitiveness. That was what President Joko Widodo said when laying the groundbreaking for the Nusantara Capital Airport (IKN). Furthermore, the President believes that the presence of this airport, which has an area of ​​347 hectares with a runway of 3000 x 45 meters, can encourage economic growth, accelerate IKN development and grow regional potential. This airport is targeted to be operational in mid-2024 and fully operational by the end of 2024.

IKN Airport, which is located in Penajam District, North Penajam Paser Regency, East Kalimantan Province, is a special airport, which is used to support government activity services in IKN and support connectivity in the capital city of the archipelago. This airport is 23 KM from point 0 IKN and 120 km from Balikpapan.

Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi said that the development of transportation infrastructure in North Penajam Paser Regency is the government’s commitment to realizing equitable development through the Indonesia Centric paradigm.

This airport is targeted to be able to serve minimum flight operations in July 2024 and serve full flight operations in December 2024. Later the largest aircraft that this airport will serve will be the Boeing 777-300ER and Airbus A380.

Construction is carried out with a multi-year contract starting from Fiscal Year 2023 to 2024. Construction of Land Side Facilities is carried out by the Ministry of Transportation while Construction of Air Side Facilities is carried out by the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing.

The design concept for the IKN Airport Terminal will combine elements of local wisdom that highlight Kalimantan culture but remain modern, as well as nature-oriented and environmentally friendly.

The development of an excellent health sector in IKN is also a concern for the government. This step is supported by the presence of two hospitals at IKN, namely Mayapada Hospital Nusantara Hospital and Hermina Hospital whose groundbreaking was carried out by President Joko Widodo on November 1 2023.

In his speech, the President emphasized the importance of building international standard hospitals that are environmentally friendly, high-tech, efficient in energy and water use, and apply the  smart hospital concept . It is hoped that the presence of this hospital will provide excellent health services for every resident in IKN. The presence of the hospital is also expected to encourage investment in IKN.

The Ministry of Health said that as many as three international standard hospitals will be built in the Archipelago Capital (IKN) in East Kalimantan. Head of the Communications and Public Services Bureau of the Ministry of Health, Siti Nadia Tarmizi, said that one of the hospitals whose construction had been inaugurated was the Abdi Waluyo Hospital. President Joko Widodo has inaugurated the construction of the hospital with an investment value of IDR 2 trillion in September 2023.

The second hospital whose construction was inaugurated by President Jokowi is Mayapada Hospital Nusantara. Mayapada Hospital Nusantara plans to provide superior services Cardiovascular Center, Oncology Center, Tahir Neuroscience Center, Gastrohepatology Center, Orthopedic Center, Tahir Uro-Nephrology Center, Obstetric & Gynecology Center, and Pediatric Center . Mayapada Hospital Nusantara will later become a green hospital to support the acceleration of IKN development.

The construction of the hospital is targeted for completion in 2024 and can begin to be used to provide health services to the community in the IKN area. It is hoped that the existence of these hospitals will make it easier for people to access complete health services at IKN.

The development of IKN is also supported by the government sector which has offices at IKN. Government agency buildings that will have offices in the capital of the archipelago include Bank Indonesia and BPJS Employment. The construction of offices for the two agencies is said to be able to attract investor interest and increase public confidence in the presence of monetary and social security authorities who are ready to support sustainable economic growth in IKN.

The capital city of the archipelago is a long-term investment for the Indonesian nation in facing future global conditions. The success of IKN development will also have an impact on equal distribution of the Indonesian economy to all corners of the country. Cooperation and public trust are really needed to support the realization of IKN which is expected to become a city that is the center of world civilization.

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