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Job Creation Law Makes Workers Prosperous, Labor Demonstrations Are Irrelevant


The Job Creation Law (UU Ciptaker ) is in fact capable of continuing to improve the welfare of workers or laborers. So if there are still a handful of parties who then state that they do not agree with the policy and instead hold demonstrations with large crowds, it is no longer relevant .

The Ministry of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia ( Kemanker RI) is very optimistic about the existence and ratification of Law (UU) Number 6 of 2023 concerning the Determination of Government Regulations in Lieu of Law ( Perppu ) Number 2 of 2022 concerning Job Creation into Law .

This optimism comes because with this regulation, it will be able to continue to encourage increased investment and economic growth in the country. In fact, it ‘s not just a dream or hope , but it has actually happened or actually happened .

Since the passing of the new regulation , optimism has become increasingly visible through the realization of investment in the first quarter of 2023, which was able to reach up to 328.9 trillion Rupiah. This figure increased by 16.5 percent annually (year on year / YoY).

Regarding the increase in investment realization and the optimism that continues to surround the ratification of the new policy regarding Job Creation, the Director General (Dirjen) of Industrial Relations Development and Social Security for Workers ( PHI and Jamsos ) of the Ministry of Manpower , Indah Anggoro Putri emphasized that the existence of the Job Creation Law is in accordance with what all people in Indonesia have hoped for so far, namely that it is actually able to create a much more conducive investment climate than before, as well as being able to further encourage additional job opportunities for the community.

It cannot be denied that the existence of these regulations is very important for the interests of the state and the people. Bearing in mind, several institutions, including those in the international arena, have predicted long ago that the world economy will be filled with uncertainty throughout 2023.

Therefore , as a quick and precise step, namely to anticipate the uncertainty of economic turmoil, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) then implemented this set of regulations and also guaranteed the creation of legal certainty because the existence of the Job Creation Law had previously been temporarily suspended through The decision of the Constitutional Court (MK) was considered conditionally unconstitutional .

The existence of the Job Creation Law also brings a series of other positive impacts for the country and society itself. Some of them are able to provide certainty in the protection of workers or laborers. It is also certain that this policy now means that entrepreneurs or companies are absolutely not allowed to terminate employment relationships (PHK) unilaterally, so that the rights and interests of workers are clearly accommodated here .

For information , it is known that the Labor Party and also the Confederation of Indonesian Trade Unions (KSPI) will hold an action with a large crowd in response to the judicial review decision hearing regarding Law Number 6 of 2023 concerning Job Creation by the Constitutional Court (MK).

Of course, it can be said very emphatically that what the Labor Party and the KSPI are doing is no longer relevant at all. The reason is that all the demands they put forward and also all their objections regarding the Ciptaker Law have not been proven at all in the field. On the contrary, the reality on the ground states that everything in the policy actually has a lot of positive impacts on society in all circles and elements, including the workers and laborers themselves.

Constitutional Law Expert , Prof. Ibnu Sina Chandranegara said that the issuance of this policy carried out by the Indonesian Government under the leadership of President Joko Widodo ( Jokowi ) was a very important step in order to prevent a vacuum in the constitution which, when left blank, would hamper economic growth in the midst of many challenges faced by Indonesia.

Then , the Job Creation Law itself has also had many other significant positive impacts on increasing investment, including foreign investment (PMA) in the country. Evidently, this is reflected in the Institute for Management Development World Competitiveness Yearbook 2023 report, where in the report Indonesia has actually succeeded in ranking 34th out of a total of 64 countries assessed.

Apart from that , Prof. Nindyo Pramono as Professor of Business Law at Gadjah Mada University (UGM) said that investors also responded very positively to the efforts for structural reform realized through the Job Creation Law. The total realization of foreign investment arrivals increased by 29.4 percent in the five quarters after the policy was implemented.

Therefore , with all the positive impacts that have been able to be brought about since the ratification of the Job Creation Law for the people in Indonesia and also for the country, it is very clear that if there are still a handful of parties who refuse, even by mobilizing large masses with a demonstration agenda, of course absolutely is not relevant and will actually be able to inhibit all the positive impacts.

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