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Joint Collaboration is Important to Realize the Acceleration of the Development of the New Autonomous Region in Papua 


By : Salmon Kadepa )*

Earth of Cendrawasih is getting more and more advanced day by day, especially with the presence of the New Autonomous Region (DOB) of Papua which has just been inaugurated, so that the development process can be realized immediately. Not forgetting the most important thing to realize the accelerated development, through collaboration with important figures such as traditional leaders, religious leaders, and so on, is one of the right ways to accelerate development carried out for the welfare of the people of the Eastern Region, besides that is expected to facilitate people’s lives like other regions in Indonesia. 

The welfare of the Papuan people is the government’s top priority for advancing the Eastern Region through the New Autonomous Region (DOB), which has now started development in 4 regions to become a province. 

One of the regions involved in the new autonomous regions, namely the Province of Papua, has much to prepare to accelerate development. Deputy Minister of Home Affairs (Wamendagri) John Wempi Wetipo hopes that the joint collaboration between the government and the people will serve as a sign of overseeing the accelerated development process in the four new autonomous regions that have been worked on together, so that the results can really be felt by the community.

Meanwhile, Wempi also said that it was hoped that the Papua Mountains Province Regional Apparatus Organization (OPD) could assist in accelerating development, especially during the transition period. On the other hand, Wempi also emphasized to the Provincial Government of Papua Mountains to optimize the realization of the 2023 Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD). Apart from that, Wempi hoped that the OPD would appreciate the people in Wamena, especially in the Walesi and Wouma Districts during the visit. the work of members of Commission II DPR RI, the Ministry of Home Affairs, and the relevant government, that they welcomed his arrival. From the visit of Commission II of the DPR RI in the Province of Papua, Wempi hopes that it can strengthen synergy with the Ministry of Home Affairs to support the development of the New Autonomous Region of Papua.

On the same occasion, Ma’ruf Amin as Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia (Wapres) invited all parties to strengthen patterns of synchronization, harmonization and coordination at the central, provincial and district/city levels. Apart from inviting to strengthen synchronization, Vice President Ma’ruf Amin also appreciated the performance of the Papua Regional Government, the DPRP, and also the MRP which had managed the special autonomy with all its dynamics. Not forgetting, he also added that the presence of the new autonomous region as a new province was a change that could break development and public services in Papua to make it easier and more optimal.

After holding a meeting at the State Finance Building, Jayapura City, Papua Province, to discuss accelerating the new autonomous regions, Ma’ruf Amin then performed drumming and cutting the ribbon as one of the signs of inaugurating the operation of the BPP Secretariat (Papua Steering Committee) which he also chaired.

The development of Papua does not only involve the government and local residents, but this coordination is proven in real terms through collaboration involving religious and other social institutions and organizations. In fact, even though it is known that it is not easy, the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia is trying his best to inflame peace and the spirit of unity for the Land of Papua through various kinds of commitments, one of which is affirmative regulation and policy.

The acceleration of the development of new autonomous regions includes, namely, the acceleration of economic transformation and development, the acceleration and development of basic infrastructure, the improvement and preservation of environmental quality, the increase in disasters and climate change, low-carbon development, the acceleration of bureaucratic reform and governance. With this acceleration, it is hoped that the people of Bumi Cendrawasih will experience the same welfare as other Indonesian people.

Other parties who also participated in supporting the acceleration of the Papua New Autonomous Region, namely the Korem 172/PWY Commander, Brigadier General TNI Juinta Omboh Sembiring, said that he invited all of us to join hands together to build Highlands Papua to be more advanced and prosperous. According to him, this is a shared responsibility of all components of society, including traditional leaders, religious leaders, and the whole community is expected to work together to build this new province.

As is well known, the New Guinea Province of Papua Mountains has just been inaugurated and of course developments will also be carried out soon, which will automatically have a positive impact on people’s welfare. Juinta added that the Papua Highlands Province area was still the responsibility of Korem 172/PWY which later a new Kodam and Korem unit would be formed in that area. As for future plans to form a new unit in the Papua Highlands Province area, it is still being coordinated with the Upper Command. On this occasion, the Acting Governor of Papua Mountains, Nikolaus Kondomo gave his message and hope, namely to build and work together with the community so that Papua will be better like other regions in Indonesia.

With support from various parties, joint collaboration is important so that the accelerated development of the Papua New Guinea is successful so that people’s welfare is also guaranteed. Of course, this collaboration cannot be separated from the important role of traditional leaders, religious leaders, government, and the surrounding community involved.

)* The author is a Papuan student living in Bandung

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