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KST Harms the People Deserves Firm Action


By : Ones Yikwa )* 

Papua is identical with its natural beauty. But unfortunately Papua is also known for KST which has become a troublemaker and damaged the good name of Cendrawasih Earth. They deliberately created chaos with the excuse that they wanted to save the people and liberate Papua. In fact, what they are aiming for is power, while the Papuan people are ignored, instead they repeatedly become victims of attacks.

The separatist and terrorist group (KST) is an armed group that is an accomplice of the OPM (Free Papua Organization). They insist on defecting and do not want to comply with all government regulations. However, they terrorized the people in order to realize their demand, namely to become independent and form the Federal Republic of West Papua.

For the sake of ambitions for power, the terror group does not hesitate to sacrifice anything, including the suffering of the people of Papua. Deputy Secretary General of the NGO People’s Information Barn (Lira) Varhan Abdul Azis stated that the passage of time has unveiled what the KKB terrorist group has been comfortable using, namely the struggle to uphold the human rights of Papuans.

But instead of struggling to uphold human rights based on concern for the fate of the Papuan people, in reality what the KKB is doing actually makes the Papuan people more miserable. In fact, the evidence is mounting that the KKB is only fighting for their own political ambitions to take power and become rulers.

Varhan continued, KST’s actions went a long way and their behavior was very detrimental. Is shooting dead Oktovianus Rayo and Yonatan Randen, honorary teachers at SD Impres Beoga, who are struggling to free Papuans from illiteracy, a struggle? Was it a struggle to burn down schools, shoot at clinics and burn down people’s homes? Of course not.

Papuans themselves are very fed up with KST. They say KST’s struggle is to save indigenous Papuans from the central government that colonizes the Cendrawasih Land. On the other hand, KST attacked civilians on the grounds that they were spies for the authorities, even though it was only slander. 

Even worse, civilians were often used as human shields when there was a shootout between KST members and the security forces. KST is really crazy to make a human as a shield and they don’t care if later that person will die.

Inspector General Mathius Fahiri, Head of the Papua Regional Police, stated that throughout 2022 there were 90 attacks by KST and claimed 55 lives. The number of victims is too many and the people are very angry, and proves that KST is hungry for power. They fully support the TNI and Polri to eradicate KST, so that there are no more victims from innocent civilians.

Meanwhile, the Chief of the General Tribe of Puncak Regency, Abelom Kogoya, said that he as the leader of the tribes in Puncak Regency refused the presence of KST to re-enter his area.

Abelom Kogoya stated that he no longer wanted them (KST) to come shoot at my place, if they did anything else he asked the security forces to immediately arrest them and process them.

KST’s actions were criticized by traditional leaders in Puncak Regency. Especially after the son of the chief of the Dani tribe, Beby Tabuni, was also a victim of the attack by the terrorist group in Puncak Regency, Papua.

In that sense, KST was too outrageous because those who were attacked lost not only civilians, but a child of a tribal chief. Beby Tabuni as the son of the tribal chief was not respected at all, but instead was cruelly killed by KST.

Attack after attack shows that KST does not care about the Papuan people and allows them to become victims. What they really wanted was power in Cendrawasih Land and a desire to gain full authority over the mines in Tembagapura. This economic motive made KST even more vicious to the point of killing their own tribesmen.

KST proved to only care about power when they clashed, and now its leaders are competing against each other. From Benny Wenda’s side, he proclaimed himself President of West Papua. Even though his position was abroad and he was no longer an Indonesian citizen, so his statement was considered ridiculous.

Meanwhile, KST commander Goliath Tabuni also admitted that he had great power in Papua, and he did not accept Benny Wenda becoming president. Their battle took place in cyberspace and the Indonesian people watching were astonished.

When two KST figures fight, it shows a power struggle and this is even laughed at, because until now Papua is still the legal province of Indonesia. The Papuan people themselves do not recognize KST, but the figures of the separatist group seem to be hallucinating that they have the support of indigenous Papuans, but they are not.

KST, which often causes chaos in Papua, continues to be hunted down by the Cartenz Peaceful Task Force Team, so they don’t endanger the people of Cendrawasih Earth. KST attacks that hurt civilians show that they don’t care about indigenous Papuans. However, what the separatist group wants is power in Papua, which will never materialize.

)* Papuan students live in Makassar

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