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Ministry of PUPR Intensifies Development in Papua New Zealand


The development of the New Autonomous Region (DOB) for Papua is not just a discourse, the development of the new autonomous region has been implemented thanks to the performance and efforts of the government through the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR). IDR 6.6 trillion has been budgeted to finance infrastructure projects in four new provinces in Bumi Cenderawasih.

John Wempi Wetipo as Deputy Minister of Home Affairs during his visit to Salor Indah Village , Kurik District , Merauke Regency, South Papua, stated that the total cost of infrastructure development in the four new autonomous regions or expanded provinces was actually IDR. 9.9 trillion.

​Because the PUPR Ministry’s budget does not reach the total costs required, the remaining needs will be financed by the regional revenue and expenditure budget (APBD) of each province, including South Papua, Central Papua, Mountain Papua and Southwest Papua.

​Wetipo said that the infrastructure work started this year, the allocation for South Papua Province was approximately IDR 1.4 trillion, Mountain Papua around IDR 2 trillion, Central Papua IDR 1.8 trillion and Southwest Papua IDR 1.1 trillion.

​Wetipo also said that development in Papua is not only infrastructure development, but is also related to human resource (HR) development. The PUPR Ministry also supports the acceleration of development in Papua, including human resources.

​On another occasion, Wetipo also expressed appreciation to PT Freeport Indonesia for its steps in helping prepare Papuan human resources to be ready to work through a soft skills program . In this program PT Freeport seeks to improve the quality of human resources through several things such as providing knowledge, increasing the desire to work, good behavior and discipline .

​Meanwhile , Chairman of Commission II DPR RI, Ahmad Doli Kurnia Tanjung stated that the DPR had intended that the DOB government prioritize the construction of definitive government offices, such as the governor’s office, the DPRD office and the Papuan People’s Assembly (MRP).

​He saw that for South Papua, the master plan had 19 items or facility buildings that would be built in the government center. The budget has been provided. He also hopes that there will be priority development. Especially the Governor’s Office, DPR and MRP, where these offices must be completed in 2024.

​Tanjung also said that ministerial/institutional offices and other facilities could be encouraged in the 2025 budget year. Meanwhile, the governor’s office, Provincial DPR and MRP must be prioritized, considering that after the 2024 election, the definitive government can carry out government activities more effectively. effective.

​The four new provinces will also participate in implementing the 2024 elections. The hope is of course that in the future the definitive governors in these new provinces will be able to carry out their government activities in the same way as other regions. This means that the office facilities also exist.

On a different occasion, the Deputy President of the Republic of Indonesia, Ma’ruf Amin, hoped that the formation of four new autonomous regions (DOB) in Papua Province could be a way of changing or a game changer in efforts to resolve existing problems in Papua, both welfare and security issues.

​Ma’ruf also hopes that the formation of a new province in Papua will make services to the Papuan people even more massive . Because, so far services in the vast Papua region have only been concentrated in Papua Province and West Papua. The realization of the New Autonomous Region in Papua can be the best effort to provide accelerated development and equality as a right that must and must be accepted by Papuans who are part of the Republic of Indonesia .

​PUPR Minister Hadimuljono said that the development priorities are the governor’s office, access from the airport to regional government offices, ASN housing, and access to clean water.

On a different occasion, Muhammad Ridwan Rudalamun as Daily Executive ( Plh ) Governor of Papua realized his commitment to encourage the acceleration of development in the new autonomous region. This commitment is demonstrated by handing over the use of the Program Information System (Bangga Papua) and other Sharing Application Systems to the government of Southwest Papua Province, in order to improve the quality and effectiveness of the old age protection program (PAITUA) which is a social protection program as well as the implementation of the Based Government System. Electronics (SPBE). This handover is also proof that Papua has made progress.

​In this system, there are features that make it easier to manage data, schedule distribution to beneficiaries and report. This system also has the ability to integrate data with distribution agency information systems and/or other information systems, thereby enabling more holistic analysis and more precise decision making.

​In terms of the development of new autonomous regions, the PUPR Ministry of course does not act alone, but also coordinates with various parties so that the development of new autonomous regions can run optimally .

​The Ministry of PUPR has shown its fast movement in efforts to accelerate development in the Papua Special Region. This development is of course a concrete manifestation of the government’s concern for developing the Papua region, so that with development, it will be easier for people to access public services.

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