Mutual Cooperation Prevents Radicalism Ahead of the 2024 Election
The potential for the emergence of radical groups ahead of the 2024 elections will remain. Radical terrorist groups will take advantage of the momentum of the 2024 General Election and Presidential Election to play up religious issues, with the aim being that people are provoked and influenced by false information or hoaxes in various media.
The rapid development of information technology has the potential to trigger irresponsible parties to spread ideas that are not in accordance with the philosophy of the Indonesian state. So it is feared that the many negative ideas and information in various media could influence the public to do things that are detrimental to many parties, such as terrorism. The public as recipients of information needs to choose the main source of information and examine the substance of the information they read.
In the world of modern politics, the issue of radicalism has become one of the most challenging issues faced by countries throughout the world. Looking at the experience of the 2014 and 2019 Presidential Elections which is a testimony to the history of the last decade, the mobilization of religious, racial and ethnic (SARA) identities triggers social tensions in multicultural societies. So that ahead of the 2024 General Election, attention to political radicalism will become increasingly deep and significant.
Meanwhile, the Director of Prevention at the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT), Brigadier General (Pol) Ahmad Nurwakhid, said that the BNPT would continue to anticipate and minimize the possibility of the emergence of radical groups or threats of terrorism ahead of the 2024 Election. Because the potential for radical movements in Indonesia still remains. exists until now, but the Security Forces (Apkam) will work harder to ensure the smooth running of the 2024 General Election and Presidential Election.
Radicalism movements are indeed a scourge in various countries, because these movements can divide unity and harm many parties. Especially before elections like today. Various parties have said that radical movements have the potential to emerge which could threaten the smooth implementation of the 2024 elections.
Due to the threat of radical ideology ahead of the 2024 election, various preventive efforts must be carried out by all parties. Including community leaders, they must play an active role in inviting community members to avoid these dangerous thoughts. Including, appealing to no one in the community to become sympathizers or even members of radical groups.
Vice President Ma’ruf Amin said that radicalism movements must continue to be watched out for, especially on social media as we approach the 2024 elections. All forms of risk must be understood so that intolerant people do not exploit them to influence and divide national unity. Apart from that, they massively produce radical discourse which is packaged in various types of media content to be disseminated widely in cyberspace.
To be aware of this, all elements of society must work together and be alert, and build a joint defense against radicalism and terrorism which can disrupt the stability of the country. Apart from that, the public must play an active role in monitoring and reporting suspicious activities in their surroundings. This is considered as one of the keys to mitigating this threat.
The National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) continues to synergize with state institutions that can play an active role in eradicating radicalism, such as the Ministry of Communication and Information, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, and the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. One example of the form of synergy that has been carried out is cooperation with the Ministry of Communication and Information in blocking hundreds of thousands of content containing radicalism, violence and hate speech in cyberspace.
Apart from that, the Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo), Budi Arie Setiadi, said that his party would protect the digital space so that the 2024 Simultaneous General Election would take place in a clean manner free from various hoax information and radicalism. His party has also currently coordinated with various parties to take steps to prevent and handle hoaxes, disinformation and malinformation in the digital space. Apart from that, the essence of holding elections is to unite fellow members of the nation and contribute to improving the quality of democracy. Therefore, all parties have a role to play in maintaining a safe and healthy digital space.
Synergy to prevent radicalism and terrorism ahead of the election needs to be carried out by all parties, including the Government, society and also the media. So that various threats from radicalism movements ahead of the election can be prevented and the implementation of the 2024 democratic party can run safely and conducively. The government asks the public not to be easily provoked and to maintain social peace against issues of intolerance and radicalism ahead of the 2024 elections.
Apart from that, the issue of radicalism and intolerance that is currently developing is more of a political issue that must be responded to intelligently and vigilantly by society. Issues of intolerance and radicalism are only played as weapons to attack political opponents by certain political forces. Indonesian people should be quite familiar with political phenomena like this. But vigilance against unhealthy political issues must always be reminded. The government, through the security forces, is committed to providing protection and making the 2024 elections a success. Apart from that, synergy between the security forces and the community is a solid foundation in creating a safe and conducive 2024 election.