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Optimal Security Apparatus to Maintain a Conducive Post-Election Situation


The security and social security situation after the 2024 elections has become the main focus of attention for all Indonesian people. After a series of lively and enthusiastic general election processes, including vote counting and recapitulation of results by the General Election Commission (KPU), the country is now in the stage of facing post-election impacts.
This includes how to maintain public security and order (Kamtibmas) in the midst of public opinion, political dynamics, and potential disturbances that may arise.
The 2024 election is under intense scrutiny because it is an important moment for the direction of Indonesian democracy. In this process, the people have used their voting rights to determine the political direction of the country, both in choosing national leaders and people’s representatives in parliament.
High enthusiasm can be seen from public participation in voting, which indicates how important this democratic process is for society. However, as time passed after the election, attention shifted to how the security and social security situation would be maintained after the election process was completed.
In this context, it is important to note that after the voting, various speculations, opinions and debates emerged regarding the results and the course of the election process. This can create tension and potential disruption to the stability and peace of society.
National Police Chief General Pol. Listyo Sigit Prabowo stated that the security and public order (kamtibmas) situation was relatively stable. Even though there is chaos on social media and the potential for demonstrations to occur, this dynamic can be handled well.
This shows that efforts to maintain national stability are proceeding according to plan. The National Police Chief emphasized the importance of maintaining national unity and unity in carrying out the democratic process, as well as ensuring that differences of opinion do not disturb social stability.
Elections are not the end of the struggle, but the beginning of a new stage in nation building. The Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam), Hadi Tjahjanto, stated that the conducive post-election situation shows that the Indonesian people are able to prioritize national dignity amidst the hot political temperature.
However, he also reminded that the struggle to advance the nation does not stop at elections, but requires continuity in maintaining stability and security. National unity and integrity are the main capital in achieving the vision of a Golden Indonesia 2045.
Appreciation also came from religious figures, such as the Imam of the Istiqlal Mosque KH Nasaruddin Umar, who acknowledged the role of security forces, especially the National Police, in keeping the national situation calm after the elections.
He stated that the role of mosques as gathering places for people is important in realizing unity and oneness, especially in the context of safe and peaceful elections. However, the challenges did not stop once the voting was over. Preparedness and vigilance are required for various potential disturbances to social security and order.
The synergy between Forkopimda Simalungun Regency is also an important example of how coordination between institutions can maintain stability and unity at the local level. The Coordination Meeting which was attended by various regional stakeholders, including the Simalungun Police Chief and the Simalungun Regent, confirmed their commitment to maintaining post-election security and order.
The message from the Simalungun Police Chief invites all elements of society to remain united and maintain peace and social harmony in Simalungun Regency.
In facing the future, it is important for us not to get tired of loving Indonesia. Synergy, cooperation and unity are the keys to the nation’s progress. Elections must be used as a means to strengthen the integration of the nation, not divide it. Let’s work together to maintain unity and peace to realize the vision of the Golden Indonesia that we dream of.
Facing the potential for disruption to social security, South Labuhanbatu Police (Labusel) and Torgamba Police personnel have taken anticipatory steps by intensively providing security around the Torgamba District Election Committee (PPK) office.
This effort is made to ensure that the vote recapitulation process runs smoothly and safely. With the presence of security forces, it is hoped that it can provide a sense of security for all parties involved in the process, including election organizers, witnesses and the general public.
While these efforts are made to ensure security and order, the challenges do not stop there. A shared awareness is needed that every individual has an important role in maintaining national unity and unity. Hate speech and attempts to divide must be avoided so that development can proceed smoothly.

Apart from that, transparency and integrity in the political process are also key to maintaining public trust in the democratic system. The commitment to continue the struggle to build a just and prosperous Indonesia must remain strong, no matter what the outcome of the general election.
Peace and unity are the main foundations for the progress of a nation, and both must be maintained with full responsibility. Therefore, let’s work together to maintain the spirit of unity and integrity, and continue to contribute to nation building.
The election is a momentum to show that Indonesian democracy is increasingly mature, but the challenges are not over. With shared awareness and commitment to building a better Indonesia, we can move forward as a united and sovereign nation.

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