Papua new autonomous region is an embodiment of equitable development in Indonesia
The New Autonomous Region of Papua (DOB) of Papua is a concrete manifestation of how the Central Government’s efforts to carry out equitable distribution of development in Indonesia. The reason is, with the regional expansion, all public services will automatically be able to reach and be felt by the community more optimally.
Equitable regional development continues to be improved by encouraging higher growth in the Eastern Region of Indonesia, while maintaining the growth momentum in the Java region. The pillar of equitable development aims to reduce income disparities in all levels of society, reduce disparities between regions, distribute infrastructure so that acute poverty can be eradicated.
As is known, the western region of Indonesia currently still contributes 80 percent of economic growth. While the eastern region is only around 20 percent. Overcoming this, Bappenas has made regional development directions based on local potential.
Meanwhile, regions in eastern Indonesia, such as in Papua, will of course also continue to be developed so that they can become a national food base. In fact, not only that, the government has a strong commitment so that the regions in Bumi Cenderawasih are able to become natural resource-based economic sectors.
Supporting economic equality, infrastructure development is directed at physical connectivity such as roads, bridges, airports and seaports. Virtual connecting infrastructure such as the internet and telecommunications have not gone unnoticed. Not only that, other infrastructure related to basic needs such as education, health and clean water has also become one of the instruments to reduce inequality.
The Central Government really continues to strive for equitable development in the country because this has also been mandated by Pancasila in the fifth precept, namely the existence of ‘Social Justice for All Indonesian People’.
Not only is it contained in the Pancasila state philosophy, but equity in development has also been written in the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia in Article 33 paragraph (2) and (3) which contains: Paragraph (2): ” Branch -Brands of production which are important to the state and which affect the livelihood of many people are controlled by the state”. Paragraph (3): “Earth and water and the natural resources contained therein are controlled by the State and used for the greatest prosperity of the people”.
With the mandate in Pancasila as well as the 1945 Constitution, it means that resources which are a life necessity for many people must continue to be used and utilized for the prosperity of the people. This then forms an equitable distribution of development. Equitable development is a process for overcoming social disparities and ensuring fair economic growth.
The Minister of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration (Mendes PDTT), Abdul Halim Iskandar stated that the inauguration of the four provinces of the New Autonomous Region (DOB) in Papua would accelerate the distribution of development and peace in Papua. Abdul Halim also believes that by dividing the province, the people of Papua will be more prosperous because it can shorten the span of control over government services.
He hopes that there will be no more conflicts between communities in mountainous areas and also Papuans in coastal areas . Because it cannot be denied that prior to the division of this region, conflicts continued to occur between the two camps of the community. So with now, when each region already has their own power, there is no need for a territorial struggle.
In addition, continued Abdul Halim, regional heads in each region can focus more on improving people’s welfare. So that the resolution of conflicts and misunderstandings will be more easily resolved. He hoped that the conditions would be much more conducive, including that it would be much easier to handle all problems because it had become part of their respective territories.
The Acting Mayor of Jayapura, Frans Pekey, also believed the same thing , who said that the four additional provinces were a form of government concern for Papua. On this occasion, Frans also thanked Abdul Halim for the village funds that had been distributed and the presence of a village assistant.
Frans acknowledged that with the existence of the New Autonomous Region in Papua as it is today, it is increasingly clear which part of the location allocation is being carried out and which party is really responsible for each location . He also expressed his gratitude because there was assistance in the form of village funds and also assistance had been carried out.
Because it has been clearly stated in Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution, it is the obligation of the Indonesian Government to continue to carry out equitable development throughout Indonesia, including in eastern Indonesia, namely in the Land of Papua. Efforts to carry out equitable distribution of development have concretely materialized in the development of the New Autonomous Region of Papua.
)* The author is a Papuan student living in Bali