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PDIP National Working Meeting Focuses on People’s Victory


The Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) held its IV National Working Meeting (Rakernas) from September 28 to October 1 2023. This National Working Meeting discussed various things, such as preparations for the 2024 Election and cadre solidity. However, one interesting thing is that at this National Working Meeting, PDIP focused a lot on food issues.

The focus that appears at the PDIP National Working Meeting this time is important for the interests of the people. Moreover, PDIP is a political party that was born from the people and for the people. Therefore, PDIP has demonstrated its efforts to prioritize the interests of the people in all its policies and programs.

The IV PDIP National Working Meeting itself raised the theme “Food Sovereignty for People’s Welfare”. This theme shows that PDIP is a party that has a narrative about the future, not just managing the presidential candidacy alone.

Secretary General of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP), Hasto Kristiyanto emphasized the importance of food for the life of the nation. In fact, according to him, this issue also concerns the dignity of the nation.

It is hoped that the IV National Working Meeting will be a momentum for the PDI Perjuangan to show its commitment to the Indonesian people. PDI Perjuangan offers a narrative about an inclusive and just future, which can be enjoyed by all Indonesian people, regardless of background.

When the Presidential and Vice-Presidential Candidates expose intelligence-based narratives in playing words with ambitious nuances in pursuing power without a narrative about the conception of the future, then according to Hasti, Presidential and Vice-Presidential Candidates like this are just political actors who are ready to do anything for the sake of the electorate.

But PDIP is not like that. PDIP builds Greater Indonesia through strengthening political parties that are allied with science, research and technology. PDIP realizes that to build an advanced and prosperous Greater Indonesia, hard work and high commitment are needed. PDIP also realizes that science, research and technology are the keys to achieving progress and prosperity.

PDIP believes that by strengthening political parties that are allied with science, research and technology, Indonesia will be able to achieve faster progress and prosperity. PDIP realizes that building an advanced and prosperous Greater Indonesia is not an easy task. It requires hard work and high commitment from all components of the nation.

PDIP also realizes that science, research and technology are the keys to achieving progress and prosperity. Science, research and technology can be used to solve various problems facing the Indonesian people, such as poverty, hunger and disease.

Therefore, PDIP is committed to strengthening political parties that are allied with science, research and technology. PDIP believes that by strengthening political parties that are allied with science, research and technology, Indonesia will be able to achieve faster progress and prosperity.

Many parties certainly hope that the PDIP National Working Meeting this time can produce decisions that can take Indonesia in a better direction and remain focused on winning the people.

In order to make this happen, PDIP has also demonstrated a commitment to improving people’s welfare, improving the quality of education, health and employment, maintaining food sovereignty to ensure food availability for the Indonesian people, and strengthening democracy by increasing people’s participation in the democratic process.

PDIP voiced its focus on food sovereignty as Indonesia is an agricultural country. Food sovereignty is important for realizing people’s welfare. PDIP must focus on programs that can increase domestic food production. These programs can take the form of increasing agricultural productivity, fertilizer subsidies, and assistance to farmers.

A victory for the people is a victory for all Indonesians. Victory for the people means achieving prosperity, justice and prosperity for all Indonesian people. To achieve people’s victory, PDIP must continue to focus on programs that can improve people’s welfare. These programs can take the form of improving the quality of education, health and employment opportunities.

Apart from that, PDIP must also remain focused on strengthening democracy. PDIP must become a pro-democracy political party and encourage people’s participation in the democratic process.

BRIN’s Principal Political Researcher, Siti Zuhro, also gave an assessment of the PDIP, according to which she did not need to do much as a party of the little people, because the PDIP’s solidarity is what will lead to victory in the 2024 presidential election.

Once again, PDIP must not only focus on supporting the government. PDIP must also focus on the interests of the people. Internal consolidation must also be maintained. PDIP must ensure that all its cadres are solid and committed to winning the 2024 elections.

PDIP can take advantage of the momentum of the National Working Meeting this time to realize the identity of a political party that cares about and fights for the interests of the people.

This PDIP National Working Meeting will definitely be able to produce concrete decisions to improve people’s welfare, including programs that can be felt directly by the people, such as improving the quality of education, health and employment opportunities.

PDIP can become a big and strong political party if this party really focuses on the interests of the people. PDIP must become a political party that is a hope for the Indonesian people.

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