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Perppu on Job Creation to Anticipate Economic Uncertainty in 2023


The Job Creation Perppu is a fast and precise strategic step in an effort to anticipate conditions of global economic uncertainty that will occur in 2023 so that the Indonesian economy will become stronger and ready to face many challenges.

The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) provides an analysis of the conditions for economic growth in Indonesia, especially in 2023 as it is now which is full of situations and conditions of global uncertainty. In this analysis, it is said that the country’s economy itself will still face many obstacles.

Bank Mandiri economist, Faisal Rachman stated that the consequences of global economic uncertainty will continue to overshadow in 2023. With this high global uncertainty, it is estimated that the Indonesian economy in 2023 will also experience a weakening.

Even though it didn’t experience too significant an impact like other countries in the world, he explained that overall the country’s economic growth would indeed decrease to only 5.04 percent. Furthermore, Faisal Rachman explained that the source of Indonesia’s economic growth is likely to shift from the external sector to the domestic sector.

According to him, this is because export activities are expected to also experience a weakening along with the global economic slowdown. Because indeed commodity prices are still vulnerable to continuing to weaken amid the prospect of increasing supply and also decreasing demand in the United States (US) and the Eurozone.

Responding to all the threats and potential risks from global economic uncertainty in 2023, Deputy Minister of Finance (Wamenkeu RI), Suahasil Nazara then stated that there was issuance of Government Regulation in Lieu of Law (Perppu) Number 2 of 2022 concerning Job Creation (Ciptaker) which was signed directly by the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo (Jokowi) on 30 December 2022 and is an anticipatory step from the Indonesian Government.

It cannot be denied that indeed a strategic step to anticipate is really needed, especially for this to deal with all the economic uncertainties in 2023 while at the same time being able to guarantee the creation of legal certainty and fill the legal vacuum due to the Constitutional Court (MK) Decision which states that the Ciptaker Law previously had conditional unconstitutional status.

The Deputy Minister of Finance also said that when Indonesia enters 2023 it is faced with many challenges, including high economic uncertainty, including having to be prepared to face the threat of a global recession. All of these things like it or not must be anticipated immediately.

For this reason, according to Suahasil Nazar, it is one of the most important things in Indonesia to be able to bring about business certainty. Regarding certainty in the business world, the existence of the Job Creation Perppu is also very important because it is able to create certainty so that the country can face a world recession.

With the issuance of Perppu Number 2 of 2022 concerning Job Creation, according to him, it is an effort by the government to respond to the Constitutional Court’s decision regarding the previous Ciptaker Law and to be able to improve laws and regulations in Indonesia to continue to make the national economy able to face world uncertainties, to be able to also encourage improvements in the investment climate. , strengthening investment in the country and creating many jobs.

Meanwhile, responding to the threat of a global recession, President Director (President) of PT Samsung Electronics Indonesia, Hong Yeun Seuk said that indeed the pressure of the global recession was a new challenge for the business world and required entrepreneurs to optimize production costs more so they could more competitive.

Therefore, according to him, it is very important to have government support for the business world in order to ensure a smooth process and more efficient production costs. So that the issuance of the Job Creation Perppu which strongly supports the conduciveness of the business world climate is very important and needed.

Responding to the concerns of these entrepreneurs, the Minister of Finance (Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia), Sri Mulyani emphasized that the government has a very strong commitment in supporting the business world because it has been proven that good collaboration between the Government and business actors is able to realize economic improvements. national.

The government itself has made a strong commitment to continue working in serving the business world to make it more competitive and productive again. Even Sri Mulyani said that any policy issued by the Government of Indonesia must have its own reasons, including the Job Creation Perppu.

 So indeed in facing all threats of global economic uncertainty in 2023, Indonesia must have fast and precise strategic steps to anticipate. One of them is the issuance of the Job Creation Perppu which was indeed issued in the face of these many challenges.

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