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President Prabowo’s Full Commitment to Eradicate Judol for the Sake of National Security and Welfare


Jakarta, – The Indonesian government under the leadership of President Prabowo Subianto has confirmed its commitment to eradicating online gambling as a whole. Since the beginning of his term, President Prabowo has shown his firmness and concern for the negative impacts caused by the increasingly rampant online gambling practices in society.

Minister of Communication and Digitalization (Menkomdigi), Meutya Hafid, said that President Prabowo has instructed all ministries and institutions to work together in eradicating online gambling. “President Prabowo instructed that there be no protection for online gambling perpetrators. He emphasized cross-ministerial and institutional cooperation to eradicate this problem completely,” said Meutya.

He also emphasized that this is not a one-time or temporary operation. “The fight against online gambling is a long-term effort, not a one-time or time-limited operation. The President emphasized that the lower classes are often victims so the state needs to pay special attention,” said the Minister of Communication and Digital. Through this step, the Government seeks to protect lower classes who are vulnerable to the dangers of online gambling, both in terms of finances and the social impacts that follow.

This statement is also supported by financial observer from Advisors Alliance Group Indonesia, Andy Nugroho, who assessed that online gambling has a broad and destructive impact on social life. “Online gambling not only destroys finances, but also has the potential to give rise to the seeds of crime,” explained Andy. According to him, President Prabowo’s firm stance is a very important step to prevent crime that can arise due to the trap of online gambling.

In addition, the Executive Director of the Indonesian Digital Consumer Institute (LKDI), Abdul Kholik, M.Si, praised the Government’s swift action and firmness in handling this issue. “The Prabowo Government’s swift action and firmness are evident in the arrest of dozens of employees of the Ministry of Communication and Digital who were involved in the case of protecting thousands of online gambling sites,” said Abdul Kholik.

This arrest case shows the seriousness of the Government in cleaning up the government system from individuals who protect online gambling sites. This step is real evidence of President Prabowo’s commitment to eradicating online gambling networks from their roots.

These steps, with a focus on a holistic approach and cross-sector collaboration, are expected to have long-term effects and reduce the negative impacts of online gambling on the younger generation and Indonesian families. The government urges the public to play an active role in reporting all forms of online gambling activities they encounter in order to realize a safer and more prosperous Indonesia.

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