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PYCH Papua for the Development of Young Talents is Ready to be Inaugurated


Jayapura – The Papua Youth Creative Hub (PYCH) building is ready to be inaugurated by President Joko Widodo. The building, which is located in Wahno Village, Abepura District, Jayapura Regency, Papua Province, was initiated by Inspiring Young Papua (PMI) assisted by the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) to develop Papuan youth talents.

PMI representative Elia Musa Rawar expressed his gratitude to President Joko Widodo and BIN Chief Gen. Police (Purn) Budi Gunawan for helping young Papuans to have facilities and infrastructure to support the foundation for community welfare development in the land of Papua.

“We thank Pak President Jokowi and the Head of BIN Pak Budi Gunawan for the construction of the PYCH Building,” he said.

Previously, President Joko Widodo said that there was still a lot of potential for quality Human Resources (HR) in Papua that had not been explored and developed.

Therefore, President Jokowi built a PYCH facility which is expected to become a driving force as well as a center for developing human resources, especially young talents, in Papua.

“There are many excellent talent with very good talent in Papua and West Papua both in the fields of science, arts and culture, and in the sports sector, and this is a big task for all of us to prepare good talent management to organize, this is where the role of PYCH will be,” said President Jokowi.

Through PYCH, the government hopes that local youth can contribute to reducing unemployment and poverty.

The laying of the first stone for the construction of the PYCH Building was carried out by President Jokowi in October 2021.

The construction of the PYCH is a follow-up to President Jokowi’s instructions. Furthermore, the central government supports the development of PYCH as a platform for Papuan youths to develop technology, innovation and local Papuan products.

Meanwhile, BIN, which is coaching young people at PMI, is supporting the construction of a building that will become a center for self-development of young talents in the area nicknamed Cenderawasih Earth.

BIN is also actively involved in various PYCH programs in the context of fostering PMI to develop various potentials for Papuan youths to improve the welfare of the Papuan people.

It is hoped that PYCH can become a driving force and function as a center for the development of young talents in Papua. In addition, PYCH can act as a center of creativity for young Papuans in strengthening a good innovation and technology ecosystem. Inside the PYCH Building, Education, Health, MSME and Creative Industry activities are also carried out.

Apart from that, a number of activities in several regions in Papua are also continuously being developed within the scope of PMI and BIN guidance. Not only was the inauguration of the PYCH Building in Jayapura Regency, there was also a corn farm in Sitori Village, Kab. Tambrauw Southwest Papua, laying hens farm Jayapura Regency, Pig farm Owned by Albert Burwas Manokwari Regency West Papua, PMI Cattle Workshop Bomberay district Kab. Fak – Fak, and MSME assistance from the Generation of End Times Workshop and Gallery (GAZ) Kab. Merauke.

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