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Rejecting the March 1 Demonstration, Alleged Election Violations Can Be Pursued Through Legal Routes


By: Safira Tri Ningsih *)

In order to strongly reject the demonstration on March 1 2024, all people from various elements in Indonesia should be able to jointly take an active role in maintaining conduciveness, especially after the implementation of the 2024 General Election (Pemilu). Regarding allegations of election violations, then The community can take legal action. 

It is known that a number of Universitas Indonesia (UI) Alumni Alumni will carry out demonstrations in order to reject fraud in the 2024 Presidential Election (Pilpres), which will be held in front of the Indonesian People’s Representative Council (DPR RI) building on Friday, March 1 2024.

Of course, the existence of a demonstration or demonstration will actually give rise to many potential losses which will be felt by many parties themselves, especially the possibility that the demonstration will actually end in anarchism or riots.

Not only that, but the demonstrations carried out by a handful of parties will actually prolong the process of changing leadership in Indonesia after the entire process of implementing the democratic party and political contestation some time ago.

The election should have been used as an opportunity or the best momentum for this nation to be able to undergo leadership circulation so that the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) could be much better in the future, but because of demonstrations carried out by a handful of parties, the process of changing the relay was actually that leadership will be disrupted.

In fact, in reality the domestic political contestation itself has been completed, and all parties, whether from the contestants or the supporters and the volunteer team themselves, must have a great warrior spirit and be able to accept whatever the final results of the elections are with grace.

Instead of accepting the final results of the election, there are still several groups of parties who do not like how the results of the calculation have been and are trying to provoke and invite other parties to join their movement, namely by holding demonstrations.

The fact that there are still several groups of parties like that also reflects that these few parties actually still cannot understand the essence of true democracy, they are still unable to accept defeat and tend to continue making accusations by raising rumors of fraud.

In fact, if fraud does occur, the state has regulated it in such a way by providing facilities in accordance with the provisions of the Law (UU) that apply in Indonesia, namely being able to report it to the election organizers such as the General Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) or can be brought through legal channels. at the Constitutional Court (MK).

Instead of having to continue dwelling on rumors or propaganda to unclear provocations that increasingly lead to state instability and even calls to take part in demonstrations or demonstrations, it would be much wiser if the whole community now thought about how to unite again and continue to maintain post-election conduciveness.

Unity and oneness are very important things, in fact this has been echoed for a long time during the colonial era by the founders of this nation so as to form a strong Indonesian nation capable of repelling and fighting the invaders.

If unity and oneness can be upheld after the entire long election process, then in the future the nation will also return to a stable position so that all good programs or policies from the government in the era of the President of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) Joko Widodo (Jokowi) can be continued. and continued to the maximum by the next leader of the nation.

Therefore, the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam), Hadi Tjahjanto held a gathering and invited all religious leaders to mutually maintain conduciveness between religious communities after the 2024 elections.

This method is a very good thing, because it cannot be denied that religious leaders themselves are the ones who are at the forefront of interacting directly with the community in providing useful counseling or education.

For this reason, it is hoped that a good situation can be maintained in order to further strengthen national unity and unity so that all people in the country are also able to experience the development process that has been continuously being intensified by the Indonesian Government.

Likewise, the Muhammadiyah Central Management (PP) also invited all parties to maintain conduciveness and continue to maintain their attitude so that they can respect each other and be able to be tolerant after the 2024 elections.

The General Secretary of PP Muhammadiyah, Abdul Mu’ti, also appealed to parties who still object to the election results, so that they can submit their objections according to the legal channels that have been provided and not through demonstrations because it will trigger mass mobilization and trigger violence and conflict. horizontally.

Maintaining the conduciveness of this nation after the 2024 elections is very important and must be achieved by all parties without exception. Don’t let it happen that after the election is over, there are still parties who are dissatisfied and cause trouble by provoking and spreading rumors and even holding demonstrations.

*) Contributor Daris Pustaka

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