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Surabaya Youth Unites to Support Legal Steps Against Rocky Gerung


Many of the youths in Surabaya are all united in praying for political observer Rocky Gerung so that he can become aware of all his actions and words which so far have been considered very inappropriate to speak in public. Not only that, but the youth in the City of Heroes also continue to support that steps and legal processes continue to be carried out against this philosopher.

It cannot be denied that it is indeed very important and a basic obligation for all elements of the nation to be able to remind one another of how important it is to always be able to keep one’s words, when speaking can be done with mutual respect and also being able to respect one another when differences of opinion occur.

Departing from this assumption, as many as hundreds of people calling themselves United Surabaya Youth held an action in the form of a joint prayer addressed to Rocky Gerung, in fact, the action was carried out very solemnly and carried out in turn by each of the followers of each religion who were present.

It is known that the joint prayer action aimed at political observers was also one of the effects of the alleged insult to the President of the Republic of Indonesia (RI), Joko Widodo (Jokowi) which was stated by this controversial figure in a speech some time ago and until now is still very viral and widely discussed by the public.

Several sentences from the contents of the speech delivered by the former University of Indonesia (UI) lecturer were immediately highlighted in various social media and even caused upheaval in society, especially from supporters or volunteers of President Jokowi.

In addition, this problem has also been reported by the Legal Division of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle Central Leadership Council (DPP PDI-P) and previously reported by as many as 50 ranks of Jokowi’s volunteers. The anger from the community has even occurred in various regions and until now it seems that it has not been stopped, including in the City of Heroes of Surabaya.

Surabaya youths want a healthy democracy to exist in Indonesia, so if there really is a difference in political views or any opinion, then it is better that it can be resolved through dialogue by upholding noble values ​​and trying to avoid mutual insults or the potential for division. part of the nation.

The initiator of the joint prayer action in Surabaya, Hadrean explained that all parties should be able to support each other and always try to find ways to create understanding and tolerance among fellow citizens. If, for example, Rocky Gerung has indeed committed an act of insulting the Head of State or is proven to have violated the law, then of course this is a problem that must be dealt with as soon as possible by the authorities in accordance with the applicable provisions.

It is also important to be able to respect each other’s applicable laws and regulations, as well as the noble values ​​that have existed in this nation since it was founded by the nation’s founders when they won independence and succeeded in expelling the colonialists at that time.

So it’s no wonder why the United Surabaya Youth held and invited the public to pray so that Rocky Gerung could gain awareness and wisdom in all his actions and words. They also hope that the 64-year-old man can understand and appreciate the impact of the statement he made in public.

All the sequence of events that are happening at this time, including how the commotion arose in society and the many reports addressed to these philosophers, should be able to become a very important lesson regarding how to speak respectfully, respect differences and contribute positively to be able to create understanding and peace in society.

With this awareness, it will certainly be able to lead Rocky Gerung to a much better path in interacting with other people and be able to actively contribute to efforts to create progress for the Indonesian nation.

On the same occasion, one of the initiators of the movement, Kusnan emphasized that the yasin and tahlil activities that were carried out were indeed a response to the alleged insult that the political observer had inflicted on the figure of President Joko Widodo. As a member of society, it is clear that he admits that he is very offended because their leader was insulted and harassed, especially since the insult was carried out by someone who claims to be an academic.

However, if for example there are parties who do not accept it and then instead carry out a series of actions that are against the law, that is an action that does not reflect President Jokowi’s supporters or volunteers. The reason is that all supporters continue to encourage legal processes and steps to continue with the philosopher and pray that the political observer will be given awareness on how to communicate much better in the future.

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