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The 2023 ASEAN Summit Has a Positive Impact on the Region and Indonesia


By: Satya Wibowo *)

This year, Indonesia is entrusted with holding the Chair of ASEAN 2023 again. The position of chairmanship of ASEAN 2023 is appreciated by the community because it can advance the economy, both in the ASEAN region and throughout Indonesia. Indonesia’s chairmanship period in ASEAN lasts for one year, starting from 1 January to 31 December 2023.

Indonesia as Chair of ASEAN 2023 has a positive and optimistic perspective. In particular, to make the ASEAN organization a barometer of cooperation that can contribute to peace, stability and prosperity in the region and the world. 

The Southeast Asian region which currently consists of 11 countries that are members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) has shown significant progress in terms of social, economic, political and cultural. ASEAN is now increasingly influential, both at the regional and global levels. ASEAN is the 3rd largest market in Asia and the 5th largest in the world and is one of the most advanced integrated markets.

With a population of 660 million people, ASEAN has a broad consumer base, the 3rd largest after China and India globally. More than 50% of ASEAN’s population is under 30 years old, and they make up the largest share of the current and future workforce. This condition was one of the driving factors for increasing ASEAN’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by 140 times since its establishment in 1967.

Overall, ASEAN’s economic growth with a combined population of 685 million people will reach USD 3.2 trillion in 2022. Since 2021, ASEAN’s economic growth has also shown positive figures. This proves the high economic and trade potential of ASEAN.

This can be utilized in building regional growth, connectivity and new advantages through various sectors, as an anticipation of crises and optimization of trade and investment. That way, efforts to accelerate the digital economy in increasing digital economic growth in the region will become increasingly real which will have an impact on reducing the digital divide that exists in the region. 

The world’s challenges in 2023 will be even tougher. Global uncertainty and a very dynamic geopolitical situation will still be a characteristic of the world. In the midst of this condition, Indonesia must have a positive attitude and perspective, cooperation, collaboration, and optimism. So it is with this perspective that Indonesia has adopted the chairmanship theme ” ASEAN Matters: Epicentrum of Growth “. Namely realizing a  resilient , adaptive and inclusive ASEAN, also playing a central role in the region, and having an impact on people in the region and even the world

Indonesia carries the theme ” ASEAN Matters: Epicentrum of Growth ” with three main issues namely  Recovery and Rebuilding, Digital Economy  and  Sustainable . President Joko Widodo emphasized that through this theme, Indonesia wants to make ASEAN remain important and relevant to the ASEAN community and the world. 

President Jokowi emphasized that in the future Indonesia’s chairmanship will make  ASEAN Matters: Epicentrum of Growth , where ASEAN must become stronger and become the epicenter of world growth, remain a peaceful region, uphold human values ​​and democracy. In addition, he encouraged ASEAN to strengthen cooperation so that the economy would progress. Indonesia wants ASEAN to continue to play a central role and become a driving force for regional stability and peace. The second element is  the Epicentrum of Growth , Indonesia wants to further capitalize on ASEAN’s economic growth which is always higher than world growth.

In addition, the ASEAN Summit also encourages the development of green infrastructure, accelerates the implementation of sustainable development goals ( SDGs ), increases energy security to support sustainable economic growth so as to make ASEAN a center of world economic growth.

Besides that, the holding of the 2023 ASEAN Summit which will be held in Labuan Bajo will certainly be the best momentum to continue to encourage and promote the region to become a super priority tourist destination. The 2023 ASEAN Summit in Indonesia increased the visits of 1.1 million foreign tourists to Indonesia’s super priority tourist destination areas.

The ASEAN Summit (Summit) in Labuan Bajo has had many positive impacts on Indonesia, from the tourism sector to the economy. The ASEAN Summit in Labuan Bajo is also a momentum to improve the Indonesian economy with infrastructure development programs in both big and small cities. Indonesia has the opportunity to maximize the work of the ASEAN Summit for domestic interests.

The ASEAN Summit which was held in Indonesia also provided an opportunity for Indonesia to recover its economy, especially the domestic economy which had declined during Covid-19. Through the 2023 ASEAN Summit in Labuan Bajo, it can provide a boost to the domestic economy so that it is able to provide support for economic recovery after the Covid-19 pandemic.

*) Lantera Research Institute researcher

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