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The Health Law Maximizes Community Services


The recently passed Health Law will maximize services to the community. All Indonesian people will receive optimal health services and will not be afraid to go to the hospital for treatment. Equitable distribution of health services will be carried out from Sabang to Merauke.

All Indonesian citizens with patient status are entitled to protection from the government and have a strong legal umbrella in the form of a law. They are calm because they are protected by laws that apply throughout Indonesia. Everything must be protected because both health workers and patients are Indonesian citizens.

To protect patients, the government made the Health Law, and indeed this law was made for the sake of all Indonesian people. The Minister of Health (Menkes) Budi Gunadi Sadikin stated that the Health Law has an urgency and benefits for health workers and doctors to carry out their functions according to their corridors. The goal is not just for humanity, but to expand primary services.

Minister of Health Budi continued, the Health Law gives doctors the opportunity to devote themselves to carrying out their functions in serving public health for the sake of humanity. This is in accordance with the first doctor’s oath.

The next benefit of the Health Law is to carry out transformations in referral services. So, in the future all hospitals in all districts or cities and provinces can be equipped with modern and new equipment. It is hoped that when the doctor comes in, the tools are there. So there are no more new doctors who have been trained as specialists, then they go to the city of assignment and do cardiac interventions but the tools are not there

Third, the benefits of the Health Law will change the medical education system. Especially, specialist programs which have been very difficult and expensive. It is hoped that by changing the system that previously could only enter through the university, now we are adding a new route that can be arranged by the collegium through the hospital route.

Finally, the Health Law will make it easier for all doctors to practice licenses, which so far has been said to be too lengthy. Do not let any unscrupulous person involved in recommending a doctor’s license instead hinder the doctor’s permit.

In a sense, the Health Law will maximize services to the public. The reason is because later the distribution of duties of doctors and other health workers will be evenly distributed throughout Indonesia. The Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia is not only in Java, the people in Aceh, Jayapura and other cities also have the right to receive treatment, and the method is by assigning doctors there.

The number of specialist doctors will also increase after the implementation of the Health Law. If previously a doctor who took specialist education had to pay a high price (up to hundreds of millions) then the system would be simplified. The goal is to have more specialist doctors on duty from Sabang to Merauke.

Then, with the existence of the Health Law, all hospitals in Indonesia will be equipped with representative medical devices. When there is a new doctor on duty, he can use these tools so that his patients recover quickly. The community will feel the benefits and they will be healthier, and there will be no need to look for another hospital with more complete equipment.

Meanwhile, Health Policy Expert, Dr. Hermawan Saputra, MARS. CICS said the Health Law is urgently needed to improve the national health system (SKN) in Indonesia. Included in the issue of improving public health.

Dr. Hermawan continued, Indonesia really needs a law that represents our national health system because so far the existing regulatory system has been partially fragmented and sometimes not harmonious between one policy and another.

Based on Presidential Decree No. 72 of 2012, the National Health System is health management organized by all components of the Indonesian nation in an integrated and mutually supportive manner to ensure that the highest degree of public health is achieved.

However, the implementation of SKN in Indonesia is considered to be ineffective due to overlapping regulations. Hermawan said that there are many regulations equivalent to the Health Bill which cannot represent and guarantee health services or efforts to protect the health of the Indonesian people.

Dr. Hermawan gave an example of Law Number 44 of 2009 concerning Hospitals and Law Number 36 of 2009 concerning Health where the health system itself is actually regulated at the level of a Presidential Regulation (Perpres). This is different from the national education system (Sisdiknas), where the law regulates it. There are separate fragments in our current health system. This is just what we see from the macro situation.

Using the Omnibus Law method, the Health Law will simplify regulations in order to harmonize laws and regulations regarding the health system in Indonesia.

In a sense, don’t let overlapping regulations be detrimental, both for health workers and their patients. For example, for people who use BPJS health cards. They have been made difficult to get a room or buy medicines by people at the hospital. The reason is that the BPJS card owner does not pay, even though they have paid it every month.

To overcome such problems, the Health Law was made. With this law, after being made into law, BPJS card owners can seek treatment smoothly and get their health rights. Meanwhile, those who make things difficult will be reprimanded, even punished.

The Health Law will maximize community services throughout Indonesia. With this law, the assignment of doctors will be evenly distributed, from Sabang to Merauke. Medical devices will also be distributed to government hospitals throughout Indonesia, so that it will be easier for people to seek treatment.

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