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Unable to Maintain Campaign Funds, How Come They Able to Maintain State Budget?


PKS is one of the Adil Makmur Indonesian Coalition parties, in addition to the Gerindra Party, PAN, and the Democratic Party. This coalition carries Prabowo-Sandiaga Uno in the 2019 Presidential Election.

However, they began to fuss, especially Prabowo, who satirized other parties besides Gerindra who had not contributed campaign funds to the Prabowo-Sandiaga candidate pair.

However, they began to fuss, especially Prabowo, who satirized other parties besides Gerindra who had not contributed campaign funds to the Prabowo-Sandiaga candidate pair.

Previously, the BPN explained the total campaign funds collected in a span of four months from September to December. The total campaign funds received by Prabowo-Sandi reached Rp. 54 billion. The details are Rp. 39.5 billion from Sandiaga, Rp. 13 billion from Prabowo, Rp. 1.38 billion donation from Gerindra Party. Then there was an additional Rp. 76.1 Million from individual donations, and Rp. 28 million from group donations.

Vice President Sandiaga did not mind if PKS, PAN, and Democrats did not provide assistance in the form of campaign funds. However, Prabowo some time ago had mentioned the coalition party supporters who had not donated campaign funds. He even compared coalition parties with online motorcycle taxi drivers who had set aside their income to donate.

“Hey you party elite, if you don’t donate, you miss it. “Just a motorcycle taxi driver sends his income to us,” Prabowo said.

Hahaha, let’s hurry up quickly. Prabowo spoke up and gave a warning. Don’t let other unwanted incidents such as mobile phones fly and boxing shows.

PKS Party defends the campaign funding contribution of the 2019 Presidential Election. PKS DPP Chair Mardani Ali Sera acknowledges that PKS has not contributed to the 2019 Presidential Election campaign funds for Prabowo Subianto-Sandiaga Uno. But according to him, PKS has worked to win Prabowo-Sandiaga in the 2019 Presidential Election.

PKS has contributed something other than funds. “All supporting parties have worked and indeed are not in the form of campaign funding because most of them are combined with party activities,” Mardani said.

PKS, PAN, and Democrats assist in winning Prabowo-Sandi through the installation of campaign props (APK) and socialization costs in a number of regions. “We enjoy all the processes and are happy with the Prabowo-Sandi campaign. Most are in the form of APKs and socialization fees. PKS has installed an APK in 80 electoral districts throughout Indonesia, “he said.

This is just an analysis. Prabowo should know himself. This is not defending, but think carefully. All this time, PKS was only considered as a helper. In the presidential election, the pair Prabowo and Sandiaga were both from Gerindra. What can PKS do? Then the chaotic matter of the election of the deputy governor of DKI Jakarta has not yet been confirmed. PKS continues to insist that it must be from its cadres, but Gerindra seems to be holding back through a fit & proper test. What can PKS do? Only pulp. So this party could be more focused on the selection of legislative candidates.

According to the reader, PKS is half-hearted, it’s natural to see the explanation above. Gerindra is rather greedy and greedy. And now Prabowo is asking for donations by insinuating. It’s more complicated.

And for Prabowo, pity and shake your head. He either forced himself or was forced to become a presidential candidate by power madmen or religious sellers. It turned out that he had progressed to become a presidential candidate instead they did not want to spend funds for the campaign. Intrigued at the same time will be exciting when I want to discuss paying witnesses at TPS throughout Indonesia. What do you use? Sandiaga was forced to squeeze again.

From the chaotic supporting parties that are reluctant to contribute, it seems like the conclusion can be drawn why Sandiaga was chosen by Prabowo as the vice presidential candidate. Do you understand? If it is not Sandiaga who becomes the vice president, Prabowo will be more concerned about thinking about campaign funds. Just this one is dizzy, right?

And there is more, this is the reason the mother-mother of law told people to jihad treasure (selling treasure for selling cars) for Prabowo-Sandi? Dry funds? And one more mystery, what about cardboard?

What is clear, shy. Affairs like this until chaotic and spilled to the public. The issue of campaign funds alone can be chaotic, what if you manage state money that reaches thousands of trillions? Can you fist.

Not to mention if for example taking care of the implementation of duties and division of tasks in the executive (President & ministerial ranks)?

Jokowi and the incumbent had no fuss about the money that was sent to the public. They are more mature, professional, and elegant in politics. The next camp is not mature. This is just a reckless name. What is this like to take care of the country?

So what do you say?

Source: Seword

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