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Visiting State Palace, Pope Affirms Want to Increase Interfaith Dialogue


By Andika Pratama )*

Pope Francis’ visit to Indonesia has been in the world spotlight, marking a new chapter in peaceful and understanding interfaith relations. Indonesia’s strong and inclusive religious tolerance is considered one of the main factors driving Pope Francis’ visit to the country. The Indonesian Bishops’ Conference (KWI) underlined that Indonesia, with the world’s largest Muslim population, demonstrates openness and harmony in interfaith relations that are worthy of being emulated.

Bishop of Purwokerto, Christophorus Tri Harsono said that Pope Francis greatly appreciates the openness of Muslims in Indonesia who welcome interfaith dialogue with great enthusiasm. According to Harsono, Indonesia is the country visited by the Pope with the longest duration of his visit among other countries he has visited. This reflects Indonesia’s readiness and openness in receiving this visit, while also confirming Indonesia’s position as the country most worthy of being an example in interfaith dialogue.

Pope Francis not only greeted Catholics and Muslims, but also other religious communities in Indonesia. He saw this visit as a momentum to celebrate universal brotherhood, where religious differences are not barriers, but rather a wealth that must be accepted and appreciated.

During his visit to the State Palace on Wednesday (4/9), Pope Francis emphasized that his party wants to increase interfaith dialogue in various regions of the country. Pope Francis said that this was done to strengthen harmony and eliminate inequality. The Pope hopes that this method can foster a sense of trust and mutual respect, which can fight extremism and intolerance.

The World Catholic Church leader gave advice that respecting and listening to each other is a form of supporting fraternity. Pope Francis wants to strengthen cooperation with state institutions.

As a country based on Pancasila, Indonesia has successfully implemented the principle of Bhineka Tunggal Ika in everyday life. Pancasila, with principles that reflect wisdom and tolerance, is the foundation for creating a society that respects differences and lives in harmony. These values ​​are a strong foundation that makes Indonesia able to be an example in the application of religious tolerance in the international arena.

Pope Francis’ visit was also not intended for certain preaching or missionary activities, but rather for the purposes of humanity, peace, and brotherhood. The Pope appreciated the role of Catholics in Indonesia who continue to uphold the teachings of the church and are active in loving service, both domestically and throughout the world. This confirms that religion can be a force for good, uniting humans in a universal humanitarian mission.

Not only from Catholics, Pope Francis’ visit also received a warm welcome from Muslims, especially from the Nahdatul Ulama Regional Management (PWNU) of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT). Deputy Chairperson of PWNU NTT, Dr. Ambo, M.Si, emphasized that the largest Muslim organization in Indonesia is committed to strengthening tolerance and brotherhood among religious communities. Values ​​such as mutual respect, unity in diversity, preventing conflict, and prioritizing peace are the basis of harmonious relations between religious communities in Indonesia.

PWNU NTT considers Pope Francis’ visit as an important moment to strengthen relations between Muslims and Catholics in Indonesia, as well as deepen the interfaith dialogue that has been ongoing so far. According to Dr. Ambo, values ​​such as unity in diversity and cooperation between religious communities need to be maintained and developed as a foundation for peace in Indonesia.

According to Father Leonardus Mali, Pr, Pope Francis’ visit has two important meanings: first, as a diplomatic visit between the heads of state of the Vatican and Indonesia; second, as an apostolic visit from the highest leader of the Catholic community. This visit will not only improve the long-standing diplomatic relations between Indonesia and the Vatican, but also underline the uniqueness of Indonesia’s cultural system and the contribution of Indonesian missionaries throughout the world.

As a country with a diverse society, Indonesia has shown that harmony between religious communities can be realized through a shared commitment to respecting differences. Peaceful and harmonious life in Indonesia is a real example of how a multicultural society can live side by side without causing conflict. Pope Francis sees Indonesia as a real manifestation of the principle of human brotherhood. Interfaith dialogue in Indonesia is not only a means to accept the reality of differences, but also a platform to build understanding and mutual respect. This visit is an international recognition of Indonesia’s role in promoting peace and tolerance in the world.

Through this visit, Pope Francis reminds us all that differences in religion, race, and culture are not reasons to divide, but rather reasons to unite and work together to build a better world. The diplomatic relations that have been established for a long time have become even closer with the visit of the highest leader of the Catholic Church. This visit is not only a symbol of friendship, but also a real manifestation of the commitment of both countries to maintaining world peace and harmony.

)* The author is a contributor to Jabar Trigger

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