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Infrastructure becomes the Most Prominent Success of the Government


By: Ajeng Mufadillah

2019 is exactly the five years inauguration of President Joko Widodo and Vice President Jusuf Kalla. Many programs have been implemented which have received the attention of various main groups regarding infrastructure development.

Secretary General of the DPP National Mandate Party Eddy Soeparno stated, the Jokowi-JK government had worked full speed to fix the problems in Indonesia. Eddy said, basically the success of the most prominent and visible government was massive infrastructure development throughout the country. The construction, toll roads, airports, ports, etc. are clearly physically visible and the economic impact is instantaneous.

Eddy explained, the construction of land transportation infrastructure such as toll roads and the construction of airports in several small cities became good news for the business world. Because, the cost for the distribution of goods will be cheaper and more efficient.

He said, immediately the regional economy that was built or passed through the construction of infrastructure became open and stretched because of it. For this achievement, we should “take our hat” to Mr. Jokowi and Mr. JK.

There are many more developments that Jokowi and JK have built that will be completed this year. Like an achievement that was donated to the country, so much development has been built, hopefully Indonesia will increasingly prosper and be able to compete on an international level.

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