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Appreciation of the Role of Security Forces in Maintaining Conduciveness and Peace after the 2024 Regional Elections


by: Ganindra Manese*

The 2024 simultaneous regional elections that have just ended are an important milestone in Indonesia’s democratic journey. The success of the implementation of regional elections in various regions is proof that this nation is increasingly mature in implementing democratic principles. However, this success cannot be separated from the major role of the security forces in maintaining stability and peace during the process. Appreciation for those who contributed is a form of recognition for the hard work and dedication that has been given to realize a safe and conducive democratic party.

Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta, Teguh Setyabudi, expressed his appreciation for the successful implementation of the Pilkada in the DKI Jakarta area. He gave awards to the DKI Jakarta General Election Commission (KPU), the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu), the Election Organizer Honorary Council (DKPP), and the security forces who had maintained order during the election process. Teguh stated that the Jakarta Pilkada was run honestly, fairly, transparently, and with integrity, so that it could be an example for other regions. According to Teguh, this success not only shows the maturity of democracy but also the resilience of the security forces in ensuring that every stage of the election runs smoothly without significant disruption.

Meanwhile, Commissioner of the General Election Commission of the Republic of Indonesia (KPU RI), Iffa Rosita, also paid special attention to the role of security forces in maintaining the conduciveness of the Banten Pilkada. He said that one indicator of the success of the Banten Pilkada was the absence of election result disputes that entered the Constitutional Court. This reflects that the election process went well, safely, and free from significant conflict. Iffa said that this success could not be separated from the important role of security forces who maintained stability during the election stages.

Security stability during the Pilkada not only provides a sense of security to the community, but also creates a conducive atmosphere for election organizers to carry out their duties professionally. In a safe atmosphere, the community can exercise their right to vote without fear or pressure. This is an important foundation in realizing a healthy and integral democracy. Therefore, the role of the security forces is not only limited to maintaining order, but also ensuring that every citizen can enjoy their democratic rights freely and fairly.

The success of maintaining conduciveness during the Pilkada also reflects good coordination between various parties. Synergy between election organizers, security forces, and the community is the main key in creating a safe and harmonious atmosphere. In this case, the security forces not only act as guardians of order, but also as facilitators who ensure that each party can carry out their roles well. Their dedication to working day and night to maintain stability deserves appreciation from all elements of society.

Through this appreciation, it is hoped that the spirit of togetherness and synergy that has been established during the Pilkada can continue. Post-Pilkada security stability is an equally important challenge. The security forces have the task of ensuring that the government transition runs smoothly and without disruption. In addition, the community is also expected to maintain a peaceful atmosphere and support the elected government in carrying out its duties. Thus, the success of the Pilkada is not only a momentary achievement, but also a foothold for sustainable development.

However, the success of maintaining the conduciveness of the Pilkada is not solely the responsibility of the security forces. The community also has an important role in supporting the government’s efforts to maintain stability. Active participation of the community in maintaining a peaceful and harmonious atmosphere is very necessary. Support in the form of respect for the election results, participation in constructive dialogue, and avoiding the spread of fake news or provocation are real steps that can be taken by every citizen. Thus, the community becomes a strategic partner in creating an atmosphere that supports the success of democracy.

Not only that, the implementation of a safe and peaceful Pilkada is a reflection of the success of Indonesia’s increasingly mature democracy. This success cannot be separated from the active role of the community, election organizers, and security forces who worked hard to ensure the process was conducive. Citizen participation that prioritized dialogue and rejected provocation was the main foundation of this success. A peaceful Pilkada shows that differences in political choices do not have to divide, but rather strengthen the diversity of the nation. The highest appreciation should be given to all parties involved.

The 2024 simultaneous regional elections have shown that Indonesia is capable of implementing democracy maturely and with dignity. This success cannot be separated from the hard work of the security forces who have given their best service. The appreciation given to them is not just a formality, but also a form of respect for the contributions they have made. By maintaining stability and peace, the security forces have provided a strong foundation for the realization of a better democracy in the future. Let us make the success of this regional election a momentum to continue to strengthen unity, maintain stability, and realize our shared ideals towards a more advanced and prosperous Indonesia.

*The author is a Political Science student

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