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Respecting Election Results Accelerates Regional Development


By: Vina G. )*

Regional Head Elections (Pilkada) in Indonesia are not just a democratic event to elect leaders, but also an important instrument in accelerating development at the regional level. Pilkada, which takes place every five years, is an opportunity for the community to elect leaders who can drive the growth and progress of their region. Therefore, it is important for all of us to respect the results of the Pilkada and support government policies resulting from this democratic process, because respecting the results of the Pilkada is the key to accelerating the growth of the region and the country as a whole.

Regional elections are not just about choosing between candidates, but also about giving each region the opportunity to determine its future. Regional elections that take place throughout Indonesia show that the democratic system that is being implemented is increasingly mature. In regional head elections, the people are given the right to directly elect leaders who are considered the best in terms of vision, mission, and ability to lead and plan regional development.

The quality of the election results is highly dependent on the active participation of the community in choosing leaders. The success of the election does not only lie in the number of valid votes, but also in the awareness of the community to vote based on a vision that brings progress, not just momentary emotions. Therefore, the election results that reflect the voice of the majority of the people must be respected and appreciated, as a form of respect for the democratic process that has been going well.

Thus, Pilkada is a reflection of democratic maturity that must be supported by all elements of society. When Pilkada runs fairly and transparently, the results not only reflect the majority’s choice, but also provide a strong foundation for regional development in the future.

Member of the Indonesian General Election Commission (KPU), Idham Holik said that the regional elections are not only about electing leaders, but also a bigger issue, namely the acceleration of regional development and the maturity of democracy. The regional elections have a very strategic role in realizing national development goals, while strengthening the foundation of a healthy democracy in Indonesia. Therefore, respecting the results of the regional elections is not only a constitutional obligation, but also a form of support for the acceleration of regional and national progress.

Pilkada is not just about electoral contestation and people’s sovereignty. Pilkada is part of the dynamics of development that touches many aspects of life. The Pilkada process gives the community the opportunity to choose leaders who are considered capable of planning and implementing regional development.

The regional elections provide an opportunity for each region to elect a leader who can provide real solutions according to the specific needs of the region. This is an opportunity to accelerate development according to local potential and characteristics, which in turn will contribute to national economic progress. Every regional leader elected in the regional elections plays an important role in accelerating the flow of policies that support regional progress. Through innovative and data-based programs that are relevant to regional conditions, regional governments elected by the people have a major role in realizing economic growth, poverty alleviation, improving the quality of education and health, and developing better infrastructure.

Minister of Home Affairs, Tito Karnavian, said that the Pilkada is not only about choosing regional leaders, but also aligning the vision and mission between the central and regional governments. Pilkada has a big role in aligning policies between the two levels of government, so that there is acceleration of development in each region. This does not mean that regional governments lose their autonomy, but rather integration that accelerates the implementation of policies that support regional development.

For example, in terms of infrastructure, the central government’s policy that prioritizes infrastructure development can be realized more quickly if regional leaders have the same vision and are highly committed to accelerating major projects in their regions. With this synergy, previously lagging regions will feel the positive impact of the accelerated development that is occurring.

Coordinating Minister for Law and Human Rights, Immigration and Corrections, Yusril Ihza Mahendra, said that after the election process is complete, the most important thing is to maintain unity and togetherness. emphasizing the importance of maintaining unity after the implementation of the Pilkada. According to him, whoever is elected must be understood as a civil servant who is committed to serving the community and accelerating regional development.

Regional elections often leave differences of opinion, especially between supporters of the elected and defeated candidates. However, what should be the main focus after the regional elections is how all elements of society can unite to support the elected leader for mutual progress. As a society, we must realize that regional elections are not a battleground, but rather a process to elect the best leader and one who is considered capable of bringing positive change to the region.

The election that took place honestly and fairly is a manifestation of the principles of democracy that are upheld by the Indonesian people. Respecting the election results is our responsibility as good citizens. The election results not only reflect democratic choices, but also bring hope for regional progress.

Therefore, let us show democratic maturity by supporting the results of the regional elections and working together to develop the region. Whatever the results, the elected leader is a representation of the people’s hopes and is committed to accelerating regional development. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain unity, increase cooperation with the new regional government, and play an active role in supporting policies that will encourage regional growth.

)* The author is a Postgraduate Student.

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