Community Elements Accept and Respect 2024 Regional Election Results

Jakarta – Head of the Public Relations and Protocol Bureau of the Constitutional Court, Pan Mohammad Faiz, explained that anticipatory steps have been taken to prevent conflicts of interest in the Constitutional Court’s decision regarding the results of the 2024 Pilkada dispute.
“As a form of commitment to independence, constitutional judges will not process disputes originating from their birthplace,” said Faiz.
The Constitutional Court (MK) has confirmed its readiness to handle the dispute over the results of the 2024 Regional Head Elections (Pilkada) with high professionalism and free from conflicts of interest. The trial process is expected to reach a final decision between March 7 and 11, 2025.
To expedite the process, the Constitutional Court has divided the task into three panels of judges, each consisting of three constitutional judges who will examine cases in parallel. This method allows for the resolution of all disputes within 45 working days, in accordance with Constitutional Court Regulation Number 14 of 2024. This approach is expected to maintain efficiency without sacrificing the quality of decisions.
Coordinating Minister for Law, Human Rights, Immigration, and Corrections, Yusril Ihza Mahendra, emphasized the importance of respecting the Constitutional Court’s decision. He also ensured that the government would not intervene in the dispute resolution process, but was ready to provide the necessary information objectively.
“The Constitutional Court’s decision is final and binding, so it must be respected by all parties. The Constitutional Court’s decision must be accepted without exception. There is no room to question the decision that has been taken legally and transparently,” Yusril said.
With as many as 309 2024 Pilkada dispute cases registered at the Constitutional Court, consisting of 23 gubernatorial election cases, 237 regent elections, and 49 mayoral elections, the Constitutional Court is committed to maintaining transparency and independence.
“The regional elections are not just about who wins, but how we maintain unity and ensure democracy runs well. Let’s respect the legal process and contribute to the progress of the nation,” Yusril added.
Central Kalimantan Governor Sugianto Sabran also voiced support for the Constitutional Court’s decision. In his speech at the New Year’s celebration in Palangka Raya, Sugianto asked the public and Pilkada participants to support the Constitutional Court’s decision in order to maintain regional stability.
“The Constitutional Court’s decision must be respected. There must be no chaos that will harm the development that we have achieved together,” said Sugianto.
Full support from the community, it is hoped that the 2024 Pilkada dispute process can run peacefully and have a positive impact on national development. All parties are urged to prioritize national interests above personal or group interests, in order to maintain the unity and integrity of the nation.