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Crosscheck Before Accusing KPU Cheating


Allysa Sahid, Social Media Activist

The Commissioner of the General Election Commission (KPU) is concerned that misguided and incorrect information aka hoaxes can destroy public confidence in the holding of elections. This not only concerns the process of organizing the elections, but also the election results are a concern that the KPU will experience delegitimation from the community due to the emergence of hoaxes.

KPU Commissioner Wahyu Setiawan explained, if the public trust in the Election process was damaged, then the election results could not be trusted either. This is what he meant that the hoax news obviously resulted in the delegitimation of the 2019 Election. Previously the KPU had reported 3 social media accounts to the National Police Criminal Investigation Unit, related to the hoax of KPU server settings in Singapore called winning one of the presidential and vice presidential pairs. Besides that, the KPU was also attacked by hoaks of 7 containers containing ballots that had been cast.

“Well, we leave it to the authorities to legally process our report, so that accounts can be added because over time. We leave it to law enforcement to handle it,” said Wahyu.

He also appealed to the public not to just believe in hoaxes, let alone hoaxes which seek to delegitimize the Election. “The comparison information was sought first. Tabbayun so that people are not deceived by hoax news. KPU also keeps the public from hoax news,” he concluded.

It must be realized that one of the complicated issues is hoax news that often traps someone to trust and share it.

Ma’ruf Amin was also a Victim of the Hoax, which was at the moment before taking the serial number at the KPU. At that time, he and Jokowi attended a volunteer event at the Proclamation Monument, before leaving for the KPU. When there was a song about Jokowi, he clapped his hands, but there was news of a hoax that said he was dancing.

“Just when I had a meeting at the Proclamation Monument at that time there was a song praising Pak Jokowi, many people jogged, I applauded, it was reported that I was jogging. I said my eyes were blind, maybe people clapped, they were joged,” said Ma’uf.

He argued that the hoax was indeed designed and designed as an attempt to discredit him.

According to Ma’ruf, the purpose of making the news was to make him lose credibility as a cleric.

The Commissioner of DIY KPU, Siti Ghoniatun once said that the community needs to think smart and do tabayyun in sorting and choosing information to be able to realize elections with integrity. He also revealed, when people directly disseminate information without tabbooun and sort the correct information, it will lead to information that is wrong and can result in legal threats.

Siti revealed that spreading false news aka hoaxes had a criminal threat, and also that it was not good because it caused public unrest. In the absence of hoax information will certainly result in the realization of elections that are safe, conducive and reliable. Thus creating elections with integrity. Therefore, Siti also continues to remind the public to be smart in sorting and selecting information that will be disseminated so that elections with integrity can be realized.

On a different occasion, Ilham Saputra as KPU Commissioner appealed to the public not to accuse him of cheating because of a number of data entry errors in the Vote Counting Information System (Situng). Situng does indeed function as a transparency of vote counting and recapitulation. However, if a number of errors are found, then it is not considered that the KPU has cheated and deliberately entered incorrect data.

“The public should monitor the test, then make sure that C1 is what the people hold or there is no suitability. Please report to us. But not by way of then neutralizing and assuming that KPU memes are fraudulent, there is nothing like that,” Ilham said.

The data entry error is possible because the officer experienced fatigue because during the 24 hours the task was to enter data from C1 to Situng. Some of these errors also continue to be improved to date. Of course people are urged not to speculate that there will be an entry error that is part of a suspected Cyber ​​attack, even though in fact the Situng data entry error is absolute from human error.

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