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Is There Really Cheating in Elections?


By: Rahmat Setiawan) *

The shocking news came from Blitar, East Java, where the Witness candidate number 02, refused to sign the KPU minutes even though he did not find any fraud. After examining the reason, this is official instruction from Prabowo BPN – Sandiaga center.

The statement was delivered by the Chairperson of the National Winning Body (BPN) Prabowo – Sandiaga City of Blitar. Tan Ngi Hing, after sending the recapitulation of Blitar KPU to the East Java KPU.
 “We refused to sign all the minutes submitted by the Blitar City Election Commission. Starting from the city and sub-district level recapitulation (KDP) we refused the signature, “Tan Ngi Hing said.

According to Tan, BPN suspects fraud in the 2019 Election process. So the BPN agreed not to sign the results of the recapitulation of the Presidential Election. He also acknowledged that to this day, he had not received a report or found fraud in Blitar City.
 “Fraud has not been found here. But we still run the instructions of the Central BPN, we will not sign all the results of the presidential election recapitulation, “he added.

From the news, it certainly shows that faction 02 plays drama with issues that are difficult to prove, how can they instruct witnesses, but are not ordered to sign the minutes? Will there be further efforts as a refusal to lose?

Meanwhile, Head of Blitar City KPU Setyo Budiono responded casually. Because, the presence of witnesses who are reluctant to sign the minutes of the recapitulation will not invalidate the validity of the recapitulation results.
 “Even if all the witnesses did not want to sign, we just gave a statement on the witness objection form,” Budi said.

Previously, on May 2, 2019, Abhan as Chair of the Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) said that he had not found a structured, systematic and massive election fraud in the field.
 “Until now, it hasn’t been there until today. The special report on the alleged TSM does not yet exist, “Abhan said.
He said, currently there were indeed findings of violations, especially in the stages of vote recapitulation. He said the process of vote recapitulation at the kecamatan level had been violated several times.

However, Bawaslu, through the election supervisory officer (Panwaslu), managed to find the violation and always recommended a recount to the district ballot polling committee (PPK).

Therefore, his party said that at this time there was often a delay in the vote counting process in the sub-district because KDP had to repeat the vote recapitulation process to avoid fraud.

Even so far the Bawaslu has not found or received an official report on structured, systematic and massive fraud. In fact, most reports and findings of violations have been followed up by Bawaslu.

This further strengthens the assumption that cheating is echoed is merely an attempt to delegitimize the KPU and as a form of unpreparedness to lose in political contestation.
Previously the KPU had reported 3 social media accounts to Bareskrim Polri, related to the hoax of KPU server settings in Singapore called winning one of the presidential and vice-presidential pairs.

Besides that the KPU was also attacked with 7 container hoaxes containing ballots that had been cast off. Though the information is clearly the hoax.
The Commissioner of DIY KPU, Siti Ghoniatun once said that the community needs to think smart and do tabayyun in sorting and choosing information to be able to realize elections with integrity.

Siti revealed that spreading false news aka hoaxes had a criminal threat, and that it was not good because it caused unrest and noise in the community.
Because in the Election period, the political temperature among state administrators to the grassroots of the small people tended to rise because of the increasingly polarized political support.
Deputy Chairperson of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Advisory Council, Didin Hafifudin, added, “In differences, Muslims must continue to maintain the Islamic Brotherhood, not to be divided,” he said.

The suggestion is certainly not without reason, it is based on the concerns of several camps that use various threats that are used to insult or vilify each other.

Of course it would be very unethical if only because of the 5-year agenda, the harmony of the family between each other would be broken. In this case the MUI Advisory Council called on citizens, especially Muslims not to be provoked by untrue news.

) * The author is a political observer, living in Jakarta.

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