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Said Aqil: Ulama Cannot Split the Nation Apart


By: Asep Maulana) *

If we look at the history of the unitary state of the Republic of Indonesia, the founders of the nation consisting of Nationalist Muslims and Religious Nationalists, they said agreed that Indonesia should be established with a frame of diversity based on Pancasila.

The founders of the nation also agreed that the form of state building that is in line with the teachings of Islam which is Rahmatan lil Alamin on the Earth NKRI, as for the basic state that is in line with the teachings of Islam which is Rahmatan lil alamin, is Pancasila.

Chairman of the Nahdlatul Ulama Board (PBNU) KH Said Aqil Siradj said the religious leaders should protect and provide education for unity to their people.
He also added that the Ulama is not permitted to provide a divisive view of the nation.

 “The role of the ulama in this case is protecting the community and giving examples of telling the truth, not lying, not pitting sheep, saying nothing, not slander, especially to the point of stopping.

He explained that, the figure of the cleric should have conveyed an optical drive to the people. Not even scare or intimidate. Even though the Qur’an also prohibits violence and coercion, terror and various forms of intimidation.

For this reason, his party requested that Muslims do not listen to the direction of the cleric whose nature is a dombam fitnah, an expression of hatred that gives rise to hostility.

To anticipate unconstitutional action, the ulama, habaib and Muslim scholars gathered in the Multaqo event, where at the event eight decisions were made including inviting Muslims in Indonesia not to be provoked in carrying out unconstitutional actions, either directly or indirectly, unconstitutional actions contrary to Islamic teachings and can lead to rebellion.

He also said that the meeting held was not a political meeting.
 “Again not because of a political meeting. “The meeting of the ulama in order to welcome the fasting month so that the Indonesian nation will be calm, safe, and brotherly,” Said Aqil said.

On the previous occasion, the Presidential Chief of Staff said that the invitation to mobilize the masses (people power) because they did not trust the election administration institutions.
According to him the government is ready to anticipate the situation if there is a mass movement.

Similar things have also been conveyed by interfaith scholars who are members of a number of community organizations, they are asking not to make provocations that lead to unconstitutional actions.

All parties are asked to wait for the official vote count results from the KPU which are official references according to the constitution. This is certainly in accordance with all Muslims in Indonesia who always adhere to the rules and regulations that apply at the NKRI as a constructive and respectful relationship with the legitimate government. This is very clearly taught by the Islamic tradition.

In addition, as many as 25 BEM Presidents who are members of the Student President Forum (Formation), also asked the Political Elites to follow the legal mechanism that applies according to the 1945 constitution, if there is fraud or deficiency in the 2019 election process.

This is certainly in accordance with one of the multaqo recommendations,
where one of the contents of its recommendations is the invitation of Muslims in Indonesia not to be provoked in carrying out unconstitutional actions either directly or indirectly. Because these actions are contrary to Islamic teachings and can lead to bughat (rebellion). And this also threatens the sense of unity that must exist in the people of Indonesia.

The Multaqo event was initiated by KH Maimun Zubair (Mbah Moen) and Habib Lutfhfi bin Yahya which was attended by 1500 participants consisting of elderly scholars, various mass organizations, habaib and Muslim scholars.

Muslims have now entered the holy month of Ramadan, a month full of goodness to improve the quality of Faith and Faith.
Related to this, the national situation and condition should be guarded together so that it is conducive to the ongoing worship and the full outpouring of God’s Almighty grace.

Of course it would be nice if the community let go of blind fanaticism for the Candidates of President and Vice President, and restore the mutual cooperation spirit and the unity of Indonesia to realize Indonesia as a country that upholds Pancasila with the motto of Unity in Diversity.

) * The author is a sociopolitical observer

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