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Political Stability and Legal Certainty, Capital Trust to Bring Investors


By: Anggi Handayuda) *

If we take part in the political kaleidoscope in Indonesia in the past few months, then the political atmosphere will be felt which is quite suffocating to the people, especially business people.

            If many people are generally anxious because of stretching social cohesion, business people are upset and anxious because they are waiting for certainty that does not come. Such symptoms are actually something that is natural, because since the 90s, the jargon of promoting Indonesian investment mainly relies on three prerequisites for the arrival of investment flows, namely political stability, guaranteed security and legal certainty. All three are interrelated in creating a good investment climate.

            Ripples, especially the wave of politics, sometimes make business people walk in places or often called wait and see. Even sometimes waiting with concern.

            Indeed certainty is something that is very urgent in business matters. Political stability and legal certainty also greatly influence planning and business agenda planning.

            Routine activities such as purchasing raw materials, production processes, market penetration, distribution and payment of various obligations will be disrupted if the situation is uncertain.

            In short, political stability and legal certainty are very necessary from the planning stage to the realization of investment. Without this, business people will feel nervous about investing or investing. The government will find it difficult to meet the investment realization targets and overcome the trade balance deficit if the climate is not conducive.

            Economist from the University of Tanjungpura Pontianak Eddy Suratman once said, investors who would invest their capital in Indonesia needed political stability.

            In addition to political stability, Eddy also added that there are other things that need to be improved, namely the policy on ease of business licensing. If licensing is getting faster and easier, the impact is an increase in the amount of labor absorption.

            Therefore, we urge politicians to refrain from things that can make the atmosphere noisy. All elements of the nation must unite energy to build the country.

            There is no need for a dichotomy between “us” with “them”. There is only “us”, and we are a great national identity called Indonesia.

            Colliers International Indonesia Senior Associate Director Ferry Salanto said, ahead of the legislative and presidential elections, many investors delayed their business execution.

            So that, after the political contestation is over, it is expected that there will be stability. Because if you want to move the industrial sector, especially those from foreign funds, political stability, low levels of corruption, conducive security such as not much anarchic action, and ease of investment are needed.

            In short, political stability and legal certainty are the basic principles of economic growth, especially in attracting investors to invest in Indonesia.

            The winner of the 2019 presidential election this time certainly must try to build public trust widely including in the economic field, because that is the most obvious thing felt by the community.

            Investment becomes something important, because it is one component that can keep economic growth sustainable. So that various steps taken by the government after the verdict greatly determine the interests of investors.

            The businessmen also hoped that with the election of Jokowi as President for two periods, he would immediately continue his economic program such as encouraging exports and investment.

            Deputy Chairperson of the National Economic and Industrial Committee (KEIN) Arif Budimanta said the Constitutional Court’s decision provided certainty for investors not to wait and see in investing in Indonesia.

            One indicator is the increase in trade in the capital market. After the Constitutional Court’s decision, the Composite Stock Price Index (CSPI) continued to rise towards the figure of 6,400.

            In addition, the Constitutional Court’s decision was also felt to bring fresh air to Indonesia’s political stability. Where community activities have proceeded normally and a positive perspective is more formed in Indonesia, especially in the context of political stability.

            In addition, the community also plays a role in maintaining harmonious social relations between communities, not easily provoked by the news which is not necessarily the truth. With the creation of security, investors will be more comfortable in investing.

) * The author is a socio-economic observer

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