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Independence Today


By: Tio Novaria Sinaga *

Netizens who like to share the unclear

Sometimes sharing something useful

Two sides that are different but still the same

Today’s Netizens

Netizens who like to neutralize events

Who feels that it must be neutralized

And apparently everything is just

Sheer hoax

(According to Baehaqie (2018: 15), in his book Indonesia Zaman Now).

The short poem excerpt from Baehaqie clearly explains netizens. Netizens is a name for active users on the internet. They often upload things that are not clear, but sometimes also share useful things. They also like to neutralize various funny activities to entertain, share a phenomenon and facts from various parts of the world, but there are also reports that are not true (hoaks).

In today’s digital era, more and more internet users and the high frequency of being able to access information from social media, makes users no guarantee of “maturity” in using it. This is evidenced by the increasingly widespread hoax issues that circulate in all circles, both among the public about a phenomenon or event, artists, to the government.

According to Mauludi (2014: 22), hoax (hoax) is a word used to indicate false coverage or attempts to deceive or outsmart the reader / listener to believe something that is usually used in social media, for example: facebook, twitter, whatsapp, blog, etc.

Hoaks can cause a dangerous impact that results in fears and divisions. Like the news hoaks during the 2019 elections a few months ago. First, Shaykh Ali Jaber’s News supports Jokowi. In fact Sheikh Ali Jaber verified that he did take a photo at the Maulid event with Jokowi, but was not alone. He was with his foster parents, KMS H Abdul Halim. He also explained that he did not take pictures for the 2019 Presidential Election. Second, the calculation of the results of the 2019 Presidential Election Quick Count differed between social media and one among other Indonesian television stations. This proves the weak digital literacy of the public in processing the information obtained, so that news hoaks spread faster than the facts.

Indonesia has entered its 74th year. When viewed from the factor of human age, this age is an advanced age that has become more mature and wise. 74 years after Indonesia’s independence, more and more changes have taken place. Both the government system, in terms of education is increasingly prioritized, in public health, in terms of development of each region, etc. Everything has begun to experience changes for the better. Although there are still many that are lacking, but Indonesia has tried to become a rapidly developing nation.

With every change that occurs in Indonesia, every community will take part in the success of national development and leadership for the next 5 years. Starting from yourself to start digital literacy to be able to filter every news that is read through existing social media. So that it can help the government or organization to increasingly become the answer to problems or obstacles in society. By joining together challenges and mutual trust all problems can be overcome.

With the spirit of independence of 74 years of Indonesia’s independence, presumably hoax news can be minimized or even no more. All of this is to succeed the development and national leadership of the next 5 years. Use the internet with this extraordinary media facility to be a transparency for all the people to know what the government will and has done for the development of our nation in particular.

  • The writer is a teacher

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