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The Spirit of Independence and Unity in Fighting the Hoax for the Success of Development and National Leadership in the Next 5 Years


By: Nareswari Kusumawardhani

In the current era of globalization, technology has become a very important role and is needed by most people in various fields of aspects such as doing business, finding information, searching for events and others. Many people who follow the times one of them to get the latest news. However, the growing times are not a few technologies that are misused so that it becomes a habit to obtain their own benefits regardless of what will happen such as the spread of hoax news to create a sensation and more worrying that many people are easily influenced by new news without seeing the source and clear evidence and this is common in hoax news.

Taken from Wikipedia, HOAX is information that is actually not true, but is made as if it were true. This is not the same as rumors, pseudo science, or April Fools. We actually often find hoax news usually using provocative titles, content also changes one’s emotional control or sparks one’s feelings, more often corners one of the parties, the source is not clear.

Therefore, many hoaxes can threaten national unity such as misunderstandings that cause slander and have an impact on social divisions or wrong blame which results in debates on social media for less important matters. The worst impact of a hoax is the formation of wrong opinions. If things like this continue to happen without a sense of self-awareness that will endanger the future of Indonesia, especially the younger generation who are much influenced by cyberspace in social media, because many young people affected by social media will cause the current young generation to not care about the environment, a sense of solidarity and togetherness does not grow in young people.

Therefore, we must develop a sense of enthusiasm and unity so as to build a good attitude with an inner awareness to fight hoaxes so that our future will be safe and with guidance on the use of good social media so that social media is not abused but rather used for things positive and beneficial things such as learning to the development of talent. In order to develop a sense of enthusiasm and unity from within ourselves, we must read a lot (literacy) from clear sources such as magazines / newspapers and most importantly read thoroughly and re-identify the contents of information in the news, then there will be no misunderstanding or debate because of the news that we get from sources and clear evidence so that slander will not arise. This needs to be developed by the people of Indonesia, especially for the younger generation because the future of the nation is in the hands of the young generation of millennials now.

Actually, there are many things we can do to fight hoaxes, we still have hope to build a progressive Indonesia without hoaxes, make this a lesson to be more careful and selective in reading the latest news and don’t let our future be destroyed without hope because of the influence of hoaxes. Let us grow awareness within ourselves, spread the positive things, develop a sense of enthusiasm like a hero ‘45, fight while you can because Indonesia is us, a part of who we are. Oppose hoaxes for national development and leadership for the next 5 years together to build a prosperous, prosperous Indonesia without hoaxes.


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