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Community Supports KPK’s New Leaders


President Joko Widodo finally inaugurated the leadership of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) for the 2019-2023 Period. With the inauguration, the community hopes that the new KPK leadership can be more optimal in combating corruption.
Indonesia already has a new leader in the anti-corruption Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). On Friday (12/20/2019) the five leaders swore an oath before President Joko Widodo (Jokowi). They will take part in efforts to eradicate Corruption in Indonesia to replace the KPK Commissioner for the 2015-2019 period led by Agus Rahardjo.
In addition to appointing a new leader, Jokowi also appointed the KPK Supervisory Board, the appointment was held at the Presidential Palace.
The new KPK leaders have been selected through a selection process from the committee to the due diligence in the Commission III of the DPR. The 5 elected leaders are Firli Bahuri as Chair, and Lili Pintauli Siregar, Nurul Ghufron, Nawawi Pomolango and Alexander Marwata as Deputy Chair.
The five KPK leaders came from different backgrounds from one another.
One of the public scrutiny is Firli Bahuri, where he has held a number of vital positions. How could the former South Sumatra Police Chief turned out to have served as Deputy of the KPK’s Enforcement.
During the due diligence test in the DPR, Firli also highlighted the issue of preventing corruption. In addition, the former Vice President Boediono’s aide also said that he would oversee the process of moving the capital to East Kalimantan.
Firli once said that the eradication of corruption by the KPK is not only enough to take action through OTT. But it must be integrated and comprehensive with prevention efforts, as well as monitoring the implementation of government programs.
Firli’s election as the leader of the KPK certainly cannot be contested, because in addition to winning by voting, members of the House of Representatives Commission III also agreed Firli became the leader of the KPK after going through a deliberation process.
Apart from the knowledge of criminal law, Firli is also considered credible in terms of leadership. Because, in his career in the police, the high-ranking officer from South Sumatra had led a number of Regional Police (Polda). So it is not surprising if Firli successfully escaped in the top 10 candidates for the leadership of the KPK.

On the same occasion. Indonesian President Jokowi hopes that KPK leaders can strengthen the KPK so that corruption eradication can be carried out systematically. So that it can have a good impact on the Indonesian economy.
The former Surakarta Mayor also believes that the KPK leaders can bring the KPK to be better and can work together with the KPK Supervisory Board.
Hopes for the new KPK leadership were also spoken by Indonesian Vice President Ma’ruf Amin, where he hoped that the eradication of corruption in the next 4 years could be intensified by Firli and friends.
Ma’ruf Amin also emphasized that the work on handling corruption is more focused on prevention efforts. This is intended so that there is no chance of corruption.
According to Ma’ruf, Corruption will create huge losses for the country. Even if it is investigated, it is not easy to recover the country’s losses.
Even Ma’ruf Amin’s hopes are in line with what Firli will do, which also highlights corruption prevention practices.
On different occasions, Saut Situmorang as the Deputy Chairperson of the KPK hopes that the KPK leaders in the period 2019 to 2023 continue to prioritize integrity and maintain the values ​​that already exist in the KPK.
Of course the pros and cons related to the election of KPK commissioners is reasonable, even within the KPK itself there are always pros and cons. But the most important thing is the proof that the accusations were not proven to be proven through good performance.
The intended performance is in the eradication of corruption, prevention, education and synergy with all law enforcers to jointly fight corruption.
Komjen Pol (Ret.) Arif Waachyunadi said that the KPK for the period 2019 – 2023 faced challenges that were not easy so it was hoped that the commissioners would never recede in leading the agency.
It should be noted, that the two KPK commissioners selected were alumni of the National Defense Committee XXI. One of them was even elected to be the new KPK Chairperson, Inspector General Pol Firli Bahuri.
The Indonesian people certainly do not need to doubt the credibility of the new KPK leaders, however the community must also be proactive in monitoring officials who play naughty with public money.

)* The author is a social political observer

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