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Serious Government and Firmly Fight Corruption


By Yahya Zakaria) *

Aside from spreading hoaxes, corruption is something that the government must pay attention to. All efforts to combat corruption must continue to be encouraged, so that corruptors have a deterrent effect and are not contagious to other officials. This is evidence of the seriousness and firmness of the Government in fighting corruption. Deputy II Presidential Chief of Staff (KSP) Yanuar Nugroho said, there were 4 sectors where the level of corruption such as the practice of extortion had decreased significantly. The sectors are Health, Public Administration, Education and Police Services.

Former Special Staff to President Johan Budi once stated, President Joko Widodo’s commitment in realizing a sense of justice in the community was no longer in doubt. Especially in the case of corruption. To increase efforts to prevent and eradicate corrupt practices, the government has issued presidential regulation (Perpres) No. 54 of 2018 concerning corruption prevention, where 5 high-ranking state officials and ministries sign a joint decree stating that 11 corruption prevention measures will ultimately be aimed at improving the quality of public services .

Previously, Jokowi had also stressed that he would not compromise in efforts to eradicate corruption in Indonesia. In this case the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) as the spearhead of the prevention and action of corruption in Indonesia, must have a central role and have stronger authority. The former Surakarta Mayor also hopes that all parties will not doubt the government’s commitment to it. Jokowi also requested that the public discuss or discuss the issue with a clear, objective mind and without excessive prejudice. Antasari Azhar once said, that the prevention of corruption in the era of Joko Widodo (Jokowi) administration was increasingly felt, this was due to an increase in public services that was increasingly clean from rasuah practices.

According to him, the public can see directly while supervising the ongoing development process. On the other hand, he also saw an increase in the role of the community in development. The increasing role of the community is also heavily influenced by the media in raising issues in the field. Thus, public participation in reducing corruption in the field of public services is also increasingly high, so that the authorities and bureaucrats responsible for these matters will also work more professionally.

On the other hand, Former KPK Spokesman Johan Budi Sapto Prabowo also said, one of the most important of President Jokowi’s efforts in improving public services was the increased effectiveness of using the state budget. The basic thing, according to Johan, is that President Jokowi places institutions such as the KPK as the central spearhead.

On different occasions, Erick Thohir has prepared a number of strategies to reorganize SOEs. SOEs in the future must consolidate and focus back to the core business. Too many children and grandchildren of the company must be reviewed. In addition, the plan to establish a BUMN super holding is also canceled and will be replaced with the subholding concept. Shortly after Erick was inaugurated by President Joko Widodo, he has made a number of breakthroughs, namely by replacing a number of directors of SOEs, to appoint Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) as Pertamina’s Commissioner. This certainly shows its seriousness in fixing the chaotic scars in SOEs.

With the entry of Ahok into the Pertamina ranks, of course this will be one of the efforts in eradicating the oil and gas mafia which is clearly detrimental to the country. One of Jokowi’s concerns about eradicating corruption is a culture of transparency, so that the public can assess government performance. The public is asked to criticize policies that are strange, supervision is not only carried out by related officials, but the public is also involved.

As a leader, Jokowi also gave an example to the public when he received 2 horses by residents of East Nusa Tenggara. He immediately handed it over to the KPK because it was considered gratification. In addition, President Jokowi also encouraged a mental revolution that was previously launched by Ir Soekarno on August 17, 1956.

This is being promoted again with the aim of preventing corruption, because according to him system management is not enough, the community must be directed in recognizing the character of the nation’s originality. Concretely, President Jokowi has a commitment that can be seen in the notes of Nawa Cita, where one of them reads; Rejecting a weak state by reforming the system and enforcing a law that is free of corruption, dignified and trusted.

) * The author is a social political observer

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