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The Omnibus Law Will Overcome Nation Problems


By: Satria Meka) *

The government and the House of Representatives continue to carry out a consolidation so that the Omnibus Law can be published soon. The concept of the Omnibus Law is not only a new breakthrough for increased development, but it can also overcome various national problems that are generally hampered by regulation. The long step towards developing Indonesia is now beginning to show an answer. The complexity of the regulatory and bureaucratic problems that hampered the country’s economy was immediately corrected.

The application of the Omnibus Law scheme is recognized by many parties to be able to become a capable breakthrough. This scheme, which is touted as the Law on all Laws, will contribute to the smooth development of a number of development sectors. Among other things, improve the investment climate, simplify the bureaucracy, create the widest possible employment opportunities, improve overlapping regulations on maritime affairs, education, security, and others. This brand-new concept is expected to harmonize the existing percentages so that everything related to licensing can be easily obtained. The application itself is predicted in 2020. Just waiting for a decision from the House of Representatives.

Previously, the polemic related to the Omnibus Law scheme was busy rolling. Especially in the Employment Copyright Act. Pros and cons of workers who worry about Omnibus Law will make them poor, triggering demonstrations from the workers. However, the good news after going through a number of long discussions, the Coordinating Minister for the Economy Airlangga Hartarto, claimed that the majority of labor organizations have provided full support. Namely, the Draft Law (RUU) Omnibus Labor Law. The claim was made by Airlangga, after he and Industry Minister Agus Gumiwang Kartasismita and Minister of Manpower Ida Fauziah, had a meeting with representatives from dozens of labor organizations, consisting of 7 confederations and around 28 other trade unions. So that there are no more obstacles to immediately implement Omnibus Law in Indonesia.

Earlier President Jokowi asked the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia to support the revision of at least 74 laws through the Omnibus Law program. He requested that members of the DPR support the Omnibus Law for immediate publication. Jokowi stated that the improvement of the investment climate is needed to attract foreign investors. Precisely by making a number of revisions to the Law that if it impedes investment and extend the bureaucracy. Therefore the 74 Laws to be improved will be incorporated into the Omnibus Law scheme later. The application of the Omnibus Law scheme has indeed been anticipated by many parties. The article, Indonesia is considered to have to be firm and tidy in dealing with the chaotic regulations. Various national problems due to this regulation are increasingly accumulating. The slowing of the country’s economic system, unemployment everywhere to licensing related to investment are also affected.

In fact, Indonesia itself still relies on investment as the motor of the economy. Like developed countries that need investors in return and provide benefits. Therefore, improving the investment climate is certainly able to boost Indonesia’s overall national economy. According to the Constitutional Law Specialist, Jimmy Z Usfunan also stated that basically there are conflicting issues between government administrators when they want to implement innovations or policies, which then intersect with laws and regulations. Therefore, the concept of Omnibus Law is one of the solutions that might be taken by the government. However, Omnibus Law must be done at the level of the Act.

As is known, one focus of the Omnibus Law concept proposed by Sofyan Djalil is to facilitate investors when investing in Indonesia. In this regard, Coordinating and Economic Minister Darmin Nasution reminded that the ease of doing business in Indonesia or the Ease of Doing Business (EODB) has slowly shown improvement to rank 91 which was previously ranked 106, precisely in 2016. He added that if repairs made only half measures could be the ranking will actually go down. Because other countries go faster. It is not impossible if the implementation of this innovation is immediately carried out, then economic development will accelerate faster and make the Indonesian economic order more improved.

After the Omnibus Law Bill is approved by the House of Representatives, the President will immediately request that his ranks accelerate the execution process on the ground. President Jokowi is suspected of taking the concept of Omnibus Law with enthusiasm to overcome the chaotic legal system that exists in the archipelago, even Indonesia has become a hyper-regulation country. No doubt because this is a lot of investors who run helter-skelter avoiding our country. Hopes for Indonesia to be free of regulatory problems and the Bureaucracy will soon be realized. A good economic system, an improved investment climate, employment as wide as possible to the equal distribution of the welfare of the Indonesian people will be achieved, in accordance with the priority development targets. In the future, all regulations and bureaucracy can run even better after the implementation of this Omnibus Law scheme. Therefore, it is not excessive if the application of Omnibus Law is able to overcome many national problems.

) * The author is a social political observer

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