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Be Wary of Spread of Radical Understanding in Society


By: Ahmad Pahlevi )*

The spread of radical understanding is still a real threat to the integrity of the nation. Every element of the nation is asked to remain aware of the spread of understanding because it can threaten the integrity of the nation.

It did not take long for radicalism to control its incubation area. The spread of extremism was deemed sufficiently keen to do a number of movements. Slow but sure, radicalism is often followed by people who incidentally want to get some recognition. Generally, there are many factors why people can take radical action. Most likely is the economy.

Economics has a big enough share in this matter. For example, when these radical actors want to recruit members, they lure nominal to guarantee a decent life. If this is who is not tempted. Unfortunately religious appendage becomes the wrapping. It is no secret that religion is a sensitive issue. One can be a little bad. But not with these radicals. They seemed to have weapons to be used as a capable deflection media.

Doctrines are crammed according to belief, which should be justified becomes justification. As a result they can hit all the existing rules. So returning them to the right path requires extra effort.

Previously, Vice President Ma’ruf Amin stated that intolerant and radical ways of thinking and behaving must be eliminated to achieve a more advanced vision of Indonesia. He said to remove all obstacles including radicalism, intolerance to division. The Vice President emphasized that radicalism and intolerance can be reflected in the way they think and behave, not in how they dress. This was stated after the ban on the use of religious attributes such as veils as well as trousers.

This radicalism is considered to have evolved. Many events are categorized as radicalism. For example, the utterance of hatred to the worst is an attempt at vandalism to cause injury or threaten the lives of others. Worse they (radical actors) feel right for the actions they do.

The purpose of this action is to want to establish their own state instantly to undermine the existing government. Radicalism feels increasingly widespread with the development of technology. The use of social media has more or less influenced this radicalism. Some news, to the existence of image manipulation accompanied by various narratives that cornered the government often rolling on the veranda of the mass media.

As if the most correct themselves, to criticize the country. People who tend to carry out these radical actions follow a slightly deviant system. If other people are not one-sided or agree with it, it will be removed. Although seemingly invisible, these radicalists work in groups with a variety of structured tasks. They work neatly. In fact, there is a lot of data that says that some of them propagate through social media called Telegram.

Through this application covert groups are created. Even though they appear to be independent, they are neatly organized. Has a hidden power base. So it is no doubt that the discourse of the return of ex-ISIS sympathizers was rejected. Not only can this lead to conflict, in fact these people have interacted with their groups every day. So it is quite possible that distorted thoughts have been implanted in their brains.

Although efforts to deradicalize have been implemented, the government must be patient in reaping the results. Deradicalization applied to ex-radicals is not ineffective, but because they have long been fed by wrong ideas. So to go back again does require time.

Increased awareness of the spread of radicalism must be prioritized. Like death seduction, radicals are so good at attracting new members. If so, of course everything is back to each person. Whatever it all can start from yourself. Call it tolerance, although trivial many do not apply it in everyday life. The result will be an intolerant attitude that harms oneself and others.

This person is wrong, he is wrong, he is the most correct person. If left unchecked it will disturb national stability too. Intolerant attitude generally will create a culture of individualism. Therefore, let us begin to be more sensitive to others. If this attitude of excessive intolerance is preserved, the country will be able to disperse.

)* The author is a social political observer

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