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The Community Awaits the Omnibus Law Cipta Kerja


By: Angga Gumilar) *

The government has submitted the Omnibus Law Ciptaker Bill to the DPR. The community also supports and waits for the realization of the Ciptaker Bill because it is considered capable of improving the welfare of workers and strengthening the national economy amid the Corona Virus pandemic.

Deputy Chairperson of the Indonesian Muslim Workers’ Union (SARBUMUSI), Sukitman Sudjatmiko, stated that his party supported and was ready to provide input to the DPR and the Government in discussing the draft Bill on Omnibus Employment Copyright.

The support is given with the aim, so that the omnibus law can create and open employment as wide as possible to the people of Indonesia.

He said he saw that the government was seriously trying to create and open employment as wide as possible in order to absorb the number of existing workers and reduce unemployment through the bill.

According to him, as long as the discussion in the DPR is carried out transparently and involves all stakeholders from the labor group, there is no problem. Because of that, openness and community participation in discussing the bill in the DPR is needed.

Sukitman said that it was proper to create jobs as well as efforts to protect, provide legal certainty and guarantee the welfare of workers for the long term. Not just providing employment, but how poor and vulnerable conditions of work loss can also be resolved by the later employment copyright law.

Of course we agree that protection of workers must take precedence over various forms of exploitation and violation of the law. The state must side with the workers or workers.

In addition, support also came from the community of Nusa Tenggara Timur Lombok (NTB) who are members of the Laskar Sasak community organization, supporting the government in the drafting of the Omnibus Law Working Copyright bill.

Chairman of the Sasak Irregulars of NTB, Lalu Taharudin said, the declaration of support to the government for the efforts to create the Omnibus Law Cipta Karya Bill had been carried out by his party on March 16, 2020.

He said he indeed gave full support, with the aim of facilitating the entry of investments so that they could absorb the local workforce which led to an increase in people’s welfare.

Moreover, NTB is a province that has a very potential tourism zone including the mandalika special economic zone and the planned MotoGP Circuit construction.

Meanwhile, Laskar Sasak General Secretary Lalu Wahyudi Zakaria added, Omnibus Law will certainly be very beneficial for micro and small businesses (MSMEs).

Laskar Sasak really wants NTB in a conducive condition, so regulations such as the Omnibus Law are very appropriate in order to spruce up and streamline a number of rules into one, the most important thing is to bring justice to all the people.

On the same occasion, Laskar Sasak Advisor Wahyudi Adi Siswanto gave a high appreciation for the efforts and agenda of the action carried out by Sasak paramilitary troops.

On a different occasion, the Chairperson of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KADIN), Rosan P Roeslani, said that the Draft Bill (Ciptaker) which entered the omnibus law program was a solution for investors to invest amid fears of an economic slowdown due to Covid-19 . He hopes that the bill can be passed immediately, so that the Employment Copyright Act can later be used after the spread of the corona virus ends.

Rosan also said that the Cipta Karya Bill was awaited by investors, both local and foreign. They want to know the outcome of the bill amidst economic uncertainty due to corona.

Keep in mind, the rating agency Moody’s Investors Service lowered Indonesia’s economic growth forecast this year, from 4.9 percent to 4.8 percent. Moody’s projections are based on the existence of the corona virus pandemic which has caused a global economic slowdown.

Apart from the series of debates about the Draft Bill on Employment, in fact the regulation has a number of advantages. Public policy observer Cecep Darmawan said, the omnibus law was one of the efforts to breakthrough the law and simplify the law in Indonesia.

The draft work copyright bill can certainly be part of the centralization, uniformity, unification, integration of central and regional policies. This also forms part of bureaucratic efficiency and minimizes conflicts of interest between certain parties.

The Ciptaker Bill also provides formulas that aim to reduce or deregulate corrupt bureaucracies, but also maintain synergy between the center and the regions.

Therefore, the existence of the Work Draft Bill can also eliminate the impression of discrimination between corporate interests and labor welfare. This is certainly worth fighting for, because the goal is clear that the Ciptaker Bill provides an umbrella for workers and investors.

) * The writer is a citizen, active in the Jakarta Student Press Association discussion

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