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Stay away from Hoax and Treat Reason amid Covid-19 Pandemic


By: Reski Azwar (Blogger / Student of the Communication Faculty of Diponegoro University)

The Ministry of Communication and Information (Kemenkominfo) detected 1,160 corona virus hoax accounts (SARS-CoV-2) or Covid-19 on five social media platforms: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Youtube from January 23 to April 1 2020.

Facebook has become the social media platform that has the most hoaks, followed by Twitter. There are 804 hoaks accounts on Facebook and there are 340 hoaks accounts on Twitter. Facebook has blocked 627 hoaks accounts and is following up on the remaining 177 hoaks accounts. Furthermore Twitter has blocked 115 hoaks accounts and is still following up on 225 hoaks accounts. On the other hand, Instagram has blocked 4 hoaks from 10 hoaks, while Youtube has also blocked 4 hoaks from 6 hoaks. Total hoax accounts that are on all five social media are 1,160 hoaks accounts, 750 hoaks accounts have been blocked, while 410 other hoaks accounts are being followed up.

The data shows how widespread the hoax and provocation spread in social media during this pandemic. In fact, there was also a call for provocation to riot on April 18. As a dignified nation that upholds the noble values ​​of Pancasila, the behavior of spreading hoaxes and provocations as well as other actions that lead to national disunity should be shunned and abandoned. Bearing in mind, the Unitary Republic of Indonesia which consists of multicultural societies is very easy to be emotionally ignited and divided. Especially in the critical period of a pandemic that should reinforce one another by giving a helping hand, and instead bringing down each other by spreading provocation.

Indonesia as a multicultural country and a low level of literacy is certainly an easy field for the spread of hoaxes and provocations by online media. After all, with the mastery of information technology algorithms, social media hoaks can read the desires of information received by citizens and often we as humans manusia also ’will choose information that‘ only ’we want. In a pandemic season like this, keywords about Corona will certainly be highly sought after, so many want to take advantage of the trending to provoke the masses.

Let’s Take Care of Our Reason!

During the pandemic, where large-scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) or Social Distancing were promoted, of course many people remained at home. This is because crowds and non-substantial jobs are diverted through online. At this time, certainly a lot of time for us to read books or information presented in digital media selectively. This is important for strengthening our literacy which is still weak and potentially inedible by hoaks.

However, increasing the quantity of readings will not be enough to treat reasoning against hoaks. Because, many of us are still trapped in the logic of hoaks (just looking for the information we want). Therefore, it is even more important in efforts to treat reason in the midst of a pandemic being skeptical of all information relating to Covid-19.

Reading is allowed, but caution must be preceded. Beware is an attitude that makes us go back, to nature, to become human, which relies on reason from baseless arguments.

By applying the principle of skepticism to all kinds of information, we will get used to clarifying all the information we receive. So it is not scattered origin because we have filtered it first. However, this step must also be balanced by the government’s step by cutting the source of hoaks and provocation by blocking the accounts of the hoaxers.

However, the government should not be wrongly cut by amputating accounts that criticize the state regarding the handling of a pandemic. That is normal for improving steps in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic. So that we can all get out of this complicated crisis that afflicts various layers of this society.

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