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Government Optimally Handles Covid-19


By: Rahmat Sholeh

The government continues to optimize the handling of Covid-19 in order to reduce transmission rates in the community. These efforts were made through increasing budget allocations, PSBB policies, providing economic stimulus, and strengthening social safety nets.

The Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (PMK) Muhadjir Effendy in a press conference via streaming said, the Government since the beginning had set 3 spearheads to overcome covid-19. This is likened to a trident weapon that has 3 spearheads.

        He explained, the middle spear which is the main spear in handling Covid-19 is the health sector. Because it directly confronted the Covid-19 plague. Therefore, this sector or middle end is dealing with direct emergencies dealing with to resolve health emergencies.

        Such as overcoming and limiting transmission, minimizing the spread and accelerating the resolution of the Covid-19 problem.

        There are 2 central spearheads in charge of this sector, namely BNPB and the Ministry of Health.

        BNPB has a role in providing support for facilities and infrastructure for handling in the health sector. While the Ministry of Health is responsible for conducting contact tracing (contact tracing), care and treatment.

        Then, the other 'spearhead' is the social safety net to deal with social emergencies to the affected communities Covid-19. This spearhead is still the main responsibility of the Ministry of Social Affairs and the Ministry of Villages, Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration.

        While the last spearhead is economic survaviibility, which is the responsibility of the Coordinating Minister for the Economy along with the ministers below. The task is how to make the Indonesian economy survive (survival) during the Covid-19 Pandemic as it is today.

        With regard to economic survivability, the government is trying to keep the economic wheel from becoming paralyzed and remain in the midst of the Covid-19 outbreak. The government is preparing credit relaxation and restructuring for micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), as well as a one-year credit installment relief.

        This economic incentive is given by the central government so that the economy and small people can survive in the midst of the storm of Covid-19.

        The government also conducts daily monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of Covid-19 handling policies. If there is field dynamics, the government will quickly make adjustments, so that policy objectives can be achieved more optimally.

        Large-scale Social Limitation (PSBB) is also considered as the most optimal effort that can be applied. In the regulation of the Minister of Health (Permenkes) it is stated that the PSBB is a limitation of certain activities for residents in an area suspected of being infected with the corona virus. This aims to prevent the spread of Corona virus even greater.

In Article 2 of the Minister of Health Regulation, it is written that a new area can be determined in the PSBB status, if it has two points, namely; First, the number of cases and / or the number of deaths due to disease increased and spread significantly and rapidly to several regions. Second, there are similarities in the pattern of disease spread with other regions or countries.

The implementation of this PSBB will be effective if it is accompanied by compliance from the community, for example by using a mask, we will save ourselves and others.

        Some areas that have not yet implemented New Normal, of course, must apply the CBS in a disciplined manner, so that the community must still be obliged to wear masks when outside the home.

        PSBB must make us aware, that in a healthy or sick condition, we can still provide threats to others. Even though we are healthy, it does not mean we cannot transmit the Corona virus to people around us.

        Even though some regions have been allowed to set their status as New Normal, this does not mean that the community is free to create a crowd.

        The New Normal policy is certainly not carelessly echoed. But the government set this policy because there are scientific factors that underlie it.

        President Jokowi ensured, the opening of places of worship until the economic activities in question were carried out through strict stages. He ensured that the opening of public facilities was based on scientific data.

        He also requested that the Health protocol to continue to be applied, so that the new normal order would be applicable to all sectors and regions.

        Whatever the government's strategies and policies in tackling the Covid-19 pandemic, of course it requires cooperation from the community, so that the corona virus problem in Indonesia can be handled

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