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Massive Tracing, New Case of Covid-19 Increases


By: Ismail) *

Lately there has been news of a surge in Corona patients. Even reaching more than 1,000 people per day. The public is expected not to panic when reading the news. Because the surge in the new covid-19 case is the result of PDP and ODP tracing and massive PCR swab testing conducted by the government.

The community was immediately dizzy when reading the news that there were 1,800 new Corona patients in a day. They can be scared and decide to stay at home. Even though it doesn’t need to be paranoid, because if we comply with health protocols such as wearing a mask, taking vitamin C, and diligently washing hands, it will be safe from the covid-19 virus.

The number of new cases is not because health workers are starting to fatigue or the government is less alert in dealing with Corona. But the cause is a massive tracing alias search. The PDP and ODP were tested, after that they were tested by PCR. This was revealed by Achmad Yurianto, spokesperson for the Task Force on co-19 handling.

As of July 13, 2020, out of 13,100 specimens on the PCR test, 1,282 were positive for Corona. This number increased the total accumulation of patients to 76,981 people. You should not glare at the number of patients, because more than half have been declared cured. While the rest are still in care. Do not also be afraid when having a PCR test.

People who are hacked and tested for PCR swabs are ODPs who have traveled abroad or in the red zone region. Tracing is a search to find out who they are in contact with. So the data can be written and invited to take the PCR swab test in a laboratory appointed by the government.

The PDP alias the patient under surveillance must also be re-tested, in order to know that they are completely healed or not. They do a PCR swab test in a clean lab, so don’t worry about contracting Corona. After the results are negative, it can be continued with independent isolation again so that you really feel safe from covid-19.

This PCR test is accurate because it is done in a trusted laboratory. According to Yuri, most of the new co-19 cases do not require hospital treatment. Patients only need to do independent isolation for at least 14 days at home. After a period of isolation, they can do a swab repeat test in the lab so they know the results are negative or positive.

But when in a period of independent isolation they feel symptoms such as fever, cold sweat, and shortness of breath, are expected to immediately go to the nearest hospital for treatment. Corona can be cured, so don’t be afraid to go to the hospital. Moreover, the government has covered the medical expenses of patients holding BPJS cards.

Yuri added that to prevent the increasing number of Corona patients, people must be disciplined in wearing cloth masks. Because covid-19 virus is not visible to the naked eye. Corona now also not only transmitted through droplets, but also can float in the air and dirty. So the community must be vigilant and protect themselves.

Other health protocols must always be carried out. For example, by washing hands or using a hand sanitizer , keep a distance, and avoid crowds. Also maintain body immunity and hygiene. Remember the saying is better to prevent than cure. Corona prevention can be done and complying with health protocol is easy, right?

To socialize the use of masks, you can also help the government by distributing mask masks. The price is also quite affordable. Masks are very important because they can protect humans from droplets and airborne carrying covid-19 virus seeds.

The public was asked not to be bothered after knowing the data about Corona’s rise in patients. Because many of these patients are the result of tracing and swab PCR tests conducted by the government. Stay in compliance with health protocols and maintain immunity, to avoid Corona.

) * The author is a contributor of the Jakarta Institute

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