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The Job Creation Law Realizes a Superior Indonesia in the Asian Region


By: Adyarso Wibowo) *

The Job Creation Law is a sapujagat law that improves the world of investment, economy, employment, and others. If this law is implemented properly, there will be progress in various sectors. So that Indonesia will become a superior country in the Asian region.

Indonesia is a potential country, because it has abundant natural resources, ranging from copper to coal. But why are we still trapped in the status of a middle-class country and haven’t reached the top? Progress is impossible when the mindset of the people has not been changed. In addition, laws must be overhauled so that the economy will improve.

The government made the Job Creation Law as a way to become a developed country, at least in the Asian region. Because so far we have been far behind with neighboring countries. They are more advanced in doing business, even though they have become independent long after Indonesia was founded in 1945. If Indonesia becomes a developed country, then its people will be developed and prosperous.

Tadjoeddin Noer Effendi, a labor observer from UGM, stated that the Work Creation Law, implemented properly, will make Indonesia progress. In fact, he will become the leader, aka the Asian tiger. Because this law makes it easier for investment to enter Indonesia.

Investment is very important, because one indicator of a country’s success is the amount of investment. Logically, if there are many investors, there will be many investors, so that more factories will be built. So that the economy will be more advanced.

In Indonesia, the investment that comes in is very small, less than 5%. In fact, in neighboring countries such as Malaysia, Vietnam and Thailand, nearly 9% of investors entered. With the existence of the Job Creation Law, investors will enter and the number will increase. So that the funds from them will make Indonesia’s economy improve again.

Investors’ funds are very important, because we cannot rely on debt to the IMF or other countries. After all, the covid-19 pandemic created a global crisis, so that the financial situation in other countries was just as low. So the hope for progress is in investor funds. They are also happy to enter Indonesia, because the market share is very good.

We cannot say that investment is a new model of colonialism, because there is a strong equal principle between investors and local entrepreneurs. The symbiosis of mutualism will result in the production of goods in accordance with high investor standards, because the quality control is tighter.

Investment is a solution for local entrepreneurs who have difficulty with capital but have a good idea to sell. With an injection of funds from investors, they can produce again, after their business had collapsed due to the effects of the pandemic. The business world will develop well and the country’s financial condition will also improve.

Investors also cooperate with the government in investing, so people don’t have to be afraid of foreign investment. To regulate this investment, a SWF (Soforeign Wealth fund) was established, in the form of an Indonesian legal entity that receives funds from foreign investors. So that the ownership of the infrastructure built from this project still belongs to the SWF.

Moreover, foreign investment has occurred, even during the New Order. We should not be afraid of investment words and allergies to foreign funds, because the evidence of cooperation so far has been excellent. With the investment cluster in the Job Creation Law, investors enter and they are happy because there is a guarantee for ease of obtaining permits.

With funds from investors, the business world will be more advanced, and Indonesia will survive the threat of recession or economic crisis volume 2. The economy will improve, and we will rise to become an Asian tiger roaring proudly. Indonesia will be respected because it has financial stability and a firm government.

) * The author is a United Muslim Millennial contributor

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