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Supporting the Acceleration of Welfare Development in Papua


By: Hendrik Kupia (Ternate City Citizen)

The policy of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to date has never stopped to continue to develop the Land of Papua in order to improve the welfare of the indigenous Papuan people within the framework of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).

The central government’s seriousness in the development is stated in Law No. 21 of 2001 concerning Papua’s Special Autonomy. 9 of 2020 concerning the acceleration of development in Papua and West Papua.

Various development program policies carried out in the provinces of Papua and West Papua are aimed at reducing the high poverty rate, reducing the expensive index, and distributing infrastructure development facilities. The issuance of Presidential Instruction No. 9 of 2020 is one of the newest legal umbrellas in accelerating development progress in the Land of Papua.

This time the government pays great attention to the interests of Papua, one of which is by increasing the development of basic infrastructure to meet the needs of indigenous Papuan locals.

In order to realize a reliable infrastructure, as well as one that can answer challenges in the field, the Ministry of PUPR is committed to doing it into four programs. First, equitable development to improve the welfare of the community. Second, affirmative support for the improvement of Human Resources (HR). Third, the implementation of the Cash Intensive Program (PKT). Fourth, the fulfillment of basic needs and services with the support of PUPR infrastructure.

The community hopes that with this continuous commitment, the government can contribute to providing real solutions and contributions, as well as responding to challenges in advancing the Papuan people. Meanwhile, other communities must also support positive programs that are built to advance Papua.

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