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Appreciating the Success in Reducing Covid-19 Cases


By: Deka Prawira)*

The public appreciates the success of reducing Covid-19 cases. This success is a reflection that the Covid-19 control that the Government is trying to achieve is on the right track.

If in July 2021 the number of Covid-19 reached a number that made hospitals panic, now a number of hospitals have actually experienced a decline in the number of confirmed Covid-19 cases.

The number of patients undergoing hospitalization at the Covid-19 Emergency Hospital (RSDC) Wisma Atlet Kemayoran, Central Jakarta was reduced until Monday, October 11, 2021 at 08.00 WIB, the number of patients decreased by 36 people. The Head of Information for Kogabwilhan-I, Marine Colonel Aris Mudian, said that until this morning there were additional Covid-19 patients who had finished treatment at the Wisma Atlet RSDC.

 In his written statement, Aris said that the number of Covid-19 patients from 249 patients decreased by 36 to 213 patients. This shows that intensive care at Wisma Atlet can speed up the healing process which results in a significant reduction in the number of patients.

 Based on existing data, starting from March 23, 2020 to October 11, 2021, the total number of registered patients is 128,341 people or an increase of 14 people. Meanwhile, for the number of patients who recovered and left the Wisma Atlet Hospital, a total of 128,128 people or an increase of 47 recovered patients. Aris also appealed to the public to maintain health protocols to avoid transmission of the corona virus.             

 On a different occasion, Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) praised the handling of Covid-19 in Bali Province, which has succeeded in reducing active cases to 95% from the peak of cases. The President also asked that these achievements be really used.

 On October 7, 2021, daily cases in Bali were only 60 cases, a decline far from the peak of 1,910 cases in August 2021. In addition, active cases also decreased from 13,803 cases to only 605 cases. The President hopes that the trend of Covid-19 cases in Bali can continue to be reduced.

 The President reminded regents, mayors, police chiefs, and Kodim commanders to continue to pay attention to several indicators of the Covid-19 situation, such as the BOR bed occupancy ratio.

 In addition, the President also asked that when there is a shortage of oxygen, all parties can take action so that there are no delays in the field. The Head of State also appreciated the achievement of vaccination in Bali which had reached 98% for the first dose and more than 80% for the second dose.

 The Aceh government’s Covid-19 Handling Task Force (Satgas) stated that the trend of cases of people infected with the corona virus has continued to decline in the province since the last few weeks, but residents are still asked to implement health protocols.

 Spokesman for the Covid-19 Aceh, Saifullah Abdulgani, said the daily addition of Covid-19 cases in Aceh had been below 50 cases in the last two weeks, although it was indeed fluctuating. Saifullah explained that the decline in Covid-19 cases in the community did not only occur in the westernmost province of Indonesia, but cases also fell nationally.

 Saifullah assessed that the decline in Covid-19 cases was evidence of the effectiveness of implementing micro-scale community activity restrictions (PPKM) so that everyone entering and leaving Aceh could be properly selected. In addition, the level of using masks in people in Aceh is now 89.27 percent and the level of social distancing and avoiding crowds is also 89.50%, the percentage is higher than before.

 Although Covid-19 cases continue to fall, he appealed to the public to always obey health protocols (Prokes) such as washing hands, maintaining distance and wearing masks. And don’t forget to avoid crowds and reduce mobility in the hope that the pandemic can be resolved soon.

 The decline in the death rate in Covid-19 patients is an achievement that should be appreciated, this decrease in cases is of course the result of collaboration between government policies, the vital role of health workers and public awareness in implementing health protocols. So far, the Ministry of Health is still trying to strengthen hospitals in anticipation of a spike in cases of COVID-19 patients with severe-critical symptoms.

The decline in Covid-19 cases is an achievement, this success is of course the fruit of the hard work of health workers and the public who comply with health protocols. Of course, this condition must be maintained with discipline towards health protocols and participating in vaccination programs.

)* The author is a contributor to the Press Circle and Cikini Students

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