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The easing of masks is proof of the success of handling the Covid-19 pandemic


By: Wahyu Irawan)*

President Joko Widodo stated that people have begun to be allowed not to wear masks when doing outdoor activities. This is proof of the government’s success in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic in the country, which continues to show an improvement trend.

The handling of the Covid-19 pandemic, which has hit Indonesia for more than two years, has proven to be very well done by the Government. This is because the curve has decreased, even now the curve for the spread of Covid-19 has been very sloping. In addition, the level of spread of vaccination has also spread very evenly throughout the community.

Then several policies have also been carried out by the Government, ranging from easing little by little to the community so that they can start carrying out their activities as usual, allowing homecoming during the Idul Fitri 2022 yesterday and there is absolutely no spike in cases, until the latest President Joko Widodo has allowed the public to carry out outdoor activities even without wearing a mask.

Rahmad Haryono as a Member of Commission IX of the DPR stated that with this bold policy, it means that it has indeed proven that the handling of the Covid-19 pandemic that has been being pursued by the Government has been a great success. So far, the spirit of gotong royong has always been echoed by the synergy between the Central Government, Regional Governments, a number of community leaders and stakeholders who have worked hard to break the chain of transmission of Covid-19.

The current condition of Covid-19 is under control in Indonesia, therefore the decision regarding the easing of this activity is an adjustment decision according to Rahmad. The reason is that until May 12, 2022, the occupancy of bedrooms at the Covid-19 referral hospital continues to decline until it reaches only 2 percent. So it can be said that the pandemic is under control.

The government itself must have also carried out a number of research and studies with experts, thus allowing not to use masks in some places. This is supported by Member of Commission IX of the DPR, Luqman Hakim, who said that so far the efforts to control the pandemic have been carried out by the Government through precise, systematic and consistent measurements in the process.

It is undeniable, that in fact the success of handling the pandemic is also the result of the community’s compliance so far to continue to carry out health protocols according to the government’s recommendations so that this is a shared success. Starting from how people continue to use masks and also visit the vaccination booths that have been provided.

Therefore, the immunity possessed by the Indonesian people tends to be relatively higher when compared to other countries such as China and America. Especially when fighting the new Corona BA2 variant. Therefore, the Government has started to get used to the easing of the mask policy so that people get used to the acceleration of the transition from the pandemic to the endemic.

On one occasion, Minister of Health Budi showed how the level of immunity of the Indonesian people. The research shows that antibodies owned by the community have reached 99.2 percent in response to Covid-19. Then the antibodies are said to be formed due to vaccination or also because there are several people who have been infected with the virus.

A number of data and facts show that Indonesia is already optimal in handling the Covid-19 pandemic. This success is a joint success that has been pursued since the beginning of the pandemic, so it is hoped that it can accelerate the transition from the pandemic to endemic for the recovery of the national economy.

)* The author is a contributor to Pertiwi Institute

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