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G20 Presidency Momentum for Cooperation in Handling Cyber Crime


The G20 Indonesia presidency is a momentum for the government to develop an inclusive digital transformation. Governance and handling of cyber crime is one of the agendas pushed by Indonesia in the G20 Presidency.

Indonesia’s G20 presidency is also an opportunity for Indonesia as a developing country to balance discussions dominated by industrialized countries, in order to build a fairer world governance and Indonesia will bring various results of work in the form of enrichment of issues, policy discussions, as well as out forms to encourage sector development. Indonesian digital.

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To achieve this target, Indonesia has adopted a collaborative strategy at the international and national levels. At the international level, the Digital Economy Working Group (DEWG) is a means of discussion and potential for cooperation with G20 member countries and international organizations.

Previously, the Ministry of Communication and Information held a series of Digital Economy Working Group (DEWG) meetings in the G20 Indonesia 2022 Presidency. One of the priority issues raised in the forum was cross border data flow and free flow with trust. with trust. Discussions in the DEWG forum are aimed at achieving a common understanding of a safe, protected and connected digital environment.

One of the issues raised in the DEWG forum is data protection. This is also in order to prevent the occurrence of cyber crimes. Handling cyber crime is quite important along with the occurrence of digital transformation.

In addition to governance and management regarding cybersecurity, the Minister of Communication and Informatics also said that Indonesia must have sufficient digital talent, so that it is expected to be able to handle the ecosystem more quickly.

During the meeting, the Minister of Communication and Information also invited Cisco as a technology company from the United States to participate in building and strengthening digital technology security in Indonesia. Cisco’s involvement is expected to keep the digital space clean, considering that Indonesia is currently also the country with the largest digital economy in Southeast Asia.

Cyber ​​security is an important task that needs to be completed in order to support the acceleration of digital economic growth in Indonesia. Cisco is also committed to helping the Indonesian government to prepare the right technology to clean up the digital space.

Cyber ​​crime is a new type of crime and to fight it must be by building cyber security. This cyber security needs to involve all parties and not only the national level but also international cooperation. This is because cyber crimes are no longer individual crimes but syndicates and involve the international community.

The G20 presidency is a good momentum to establish international cooperation in tackling transnational cybercrime. This collaboration is not only in terms of exchanging information, but also technology and how Indonesia’s human resources also maintain national cybersecurity.

From the Indonesian side, transnational crime needs to be given special attention considering Indonesia’s very strategic location so that it is vulnerable to various forms of transnational crime, one of which is cyber crime. For this reason, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as the spearhead of the Indonesian Government in international cooperation continues to intensify international cooperation in overcoming transnational crimes in order to protect Indonesia’s national interests and sovereignty. Apart from crime, cooperation also needs to be built on how the G20 countries can protect each other’s personal data.

Seeing this, the G20 Presidency can also be a momentum for Indonesia to improve its cyber governance and handling. The reason is, in this activity, Indonesia can learn the ideal handling of cyber crimes from developed countries, especially those in the Western European region. Countries in Western Europe that are members of the European Union become the world’s mecca in determining cyber security policies.

With Indonesia’s position as the host of the G20 Presidency, Indonesia will have many advantages because it will be listened to by many countries that are members of the G20 Presidency. These countries welcome the cooperation offered by Indonesia so that this momentum needs to be utilized optimally.

Trust and mutual respect among each member of the G20 are the keys to promoting dialogue and mutual agreement. In addition, the Sherpas are tasked with maintaining a conducive working relationship which is a very important factor in converting advice in the form of policies and complex technical issues into various bold and concrete actions for all heads of state of the G20 members.

Institutions involved in the governance and handling of cybercrime in Indonesia must be willing to continue to learn and develop themselves. There are three cyber crimes that are very important to improve on their handling, namely cyber financial crimes, personal data leakage, and the circulation of fake news due to rising political tensions.

Handling cyber crime is quite important along with the occurrence of digital transformation. In addition to providing convenience, digital transformation also poses the challenge of opening more doors for cyber crime.

  • The author is a contributor to Pertiwi Institute

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