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Strengthen Immunity with Covid-19 Vaccination and Strict Prokes


By: Savira Ayu)*

The Covid-19 pandemic shows no signs of ending. Therefore, the public is asked to always strengthen immunity by vaccination and implement strict procedures in their activities.

At the beginning of the pandemic, people panicked because they were very afraid of getting Corona. They followed the government’s recommendation by wearing masks when leaving the house, following health protocols, and also vaccinating. When the new Corona vaccine arrived in Indonesia, it was greeted with enthusiasm and residents queued at the Puskesmas in an orderly manner. Those who do not get the vaccine quota at the Puskesmas or Hospital then register for mass vaccinations held by the private sector.

However, after 2.5 years of the pandemic, public discipline began to decline in implementing health protocols. They forget not to wear masks or wear them just because they are afraid of being reprimanded by the officers. Other points in the health protocol were also violated, for example, it was forbidden to create a crowd, but instead deliberately set up an event that invited up to thousands of guests.

Likewise with vaccination, if it has been vaccinated once, people feel they are safe. Even though the Corona vaccine must be injected up to 3 times to get high immunity. In fact, there are people who refuse vaccines for irrational reasons and rely solely on herbal medicine. Even though the Corona vaccine is useful for preventing the transmission of the Covid-19 virus and cannot be replaced with any herbs.

Minister of Health Budi Gunadi Sadikin stated that in the future the Corona vaccination program will be carried out routinely, such as meningitis vaccination or others. Because the Covid-19 virus will always be there. With Corona vaccination, the body’s immunity will be maintained. In a sense, the Corona virus cannot be lost 100% and to fight it, it must be vaccinated.

Vaccination should be given to all people over the age of 6 years. They should not be absent because getting a vaccine injection is an obligation. Moreover, if the risk is high, namely people who are elderly or have congenital diseases, then inevitably they must be vaccinated.

If a person has been vaccinated up to 3 times, his body resistance increases by up to 90%. This immunity is needed to fight Corona. Booster is very important because it will improve the body’s resistance, while it is still free then immediately find the nearest hospital to get it.

Meanwhile, people who have just received an injection must see the next schedule in the Peduli Protect application or look at the vaccine card. The second dose of vaccine should be given a maximum of 6 months after the first injection. If it is more then it must be repeated because its effectiveness has decreased. Therefore, residents must look carefully at the schedule for giving the Covid-19 vaccine injection and not to miss it.

Then, there is the phenomenon of fake vaccine cards and vaccine jockeys as a trick to be able to apply for jobs or travel far. The public is advised not to underestimate vaccination, let alone looking for a vaccine jockey just because they want to get a vaccine card. This cheating is tantamount to plunging yourself because you will easily get Corona in the future and give illegal money to the jockey.

Minister Budi continued, in the future there will be 2 types of Corona vaccinations: free and paid. People who can afford it are welcome to take paid vaccinations, but for those who are less able it can be free by showing a BPJS card.

Although the vaccination will be paid for, it is hoped that people will still want to be injected. Health is much more expensive than getting sick from Corona. Imagine that when you have not been vaccinated, then you are infected with the Covid-19 virus, then a person cannot work for 14 days and will lose a lot in terms of cost and time.

In addition to vaccination, the public must comply with health protocols, especially wearing masks. Don’t be tired to wear a mask even if you only go to the shop in the housing complex. Remember that there was an increase in Corona cases and the number of Covid-19 patients on July 1, 2022 there were more than 2,000 people. By wearing masks, people will be safe from Corona and not become the next patient.

Other health protocols must also be implemented such as washing hands, maintaining distance, reducing mobility, avoiding crowds, etc. There have been many events such as weddings that have been held, but the implementation must comply with the procedures. In addition to reducing invited guests, food for guests is also put in boxes to be taken home later. The goal is to obey the prokes because it avoids crowds where people take off their masks when eating at parties.

Health is number one when people are in a time of pandemic and beyond. Therefore, everyone is encouraged to remain obedient to the procedures to avoid the transmission of Corona. Vaccinations have also been intensified so that all residents who

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