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Outreach to the 3T Region: RKUHP Supports Community Interests


By : Devan Janu Adrian )*

There are many articles in the RUU KUHP that support the interests of the community and those who live in the regions, therefore it is very important to carry out the socialization of the RKUHP which the government continues to intensify even to the 3T areas in Indonesia.

Public Information Extension (PIP) is one of the government’s strategic partners to be able to continue to assist in the dissemination of government programs and policies. Therefore, the synergy between the Government and PIP is very important to be able to disseminate the Draft Criminal Code Bill (RUU KUHP), especially in the 3T (Outermost, Frontier and Disadvantaged) regions.

Regarding this matter, the Director of Communication Information for Polhukam, Ministry of Communication and Informatics, Bambang Gunawan, admitted that indeed PIP has a very important role in being able to continue disseminating information about the RKUHP to the whole community.

He firmly stated that there are many articles contained in the RKUHP and in it really support the interests of the community, especially those who live in the regions. Some of them are regulations regarding livestock to agriculture issues which are entirely contained in the RKUHP and are very relevant to the people in the regions.

In the Socialization of the Criminal Code Bill, Bambang Gunawan explained that the realization of a legal state based on Pancasila requires a harmonious, synergistic, comprehensive and dynamic national legal system through legal development efforts. One of them is by revising the Criminal Code.

Therefore, in fact there is absolutely no reason to reject the revision of the old Criminal Code from the Dutch colonial era, because precisely with the revision to the Criminal Code Bill, many philosophical values ​​of this nation are embodied in it.

Not only that, but this original legal product that comes from the nation’s own children is clearly very harmonious, synergistic and comprehensive to embody all the values ​​and guidelines for people’s lives in accordance with the cultural background in Indonesia with a unique perspective of the country.

The existence of a Criminal Code Bill that replaces the old Dutch colonial heritage Penal Code will also accommodate how the times have changed so quickly recently, which could be very irrelevant if it still has to be regulated using the legal system left by the Dutch colonial because there are so many aspects of the world society that has changed today.

The Director of Communication Information for Polhukam, Ministry of Communication and Informatics, added that he hopes that PIP will be able to socialize and disseminate information about the Criminal Code Bill to all people in all corners of the archipelago in a language that is more easily accepted by the wider community.

Meanwhile, Deputy for Coordination of Information Communication and Apparatus of the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Arif Mustofa explained that the application of criminal law that is not in accordance with people’s lives demands the renewal of the Criminal Code which was previously a national legal legacy from the Dutch colonial era.

It is clear that if Indonesia continues to insist on using the old Criminal Code, even though there are already many aspects of the application of criminal law that are totally inappropriate, then what is there will only lead to injustice. It should be noted that the main objective of upholding the law is to be able to realize and present justice in every aspect of the life of the nation and state.

Moreover, social life in Indonesia today has changed a lot compared to the Dutch colonial era. Therefore, the Government adjusts these changes through the RKUHP so that it is clearer what aspects are regulated and considered as a guideline for people’s lives.

Arif Mustofa said that a new Criminal Code was needed to replace the Dutch-made Criminal Code. Something has changed drastically. The government adjusts these changes through the RKUHP. The government wants to set up a national criminal law recodification system to replace the old criminal law made by the Netherlands

For information, discussions on the RKUHP have been carried out for a very long time since 1958 until now. The RKUHP was prepared through Indonesian values ​​as an effort to decolonize the Indonesian criminal system. The RKUHP also prioritizes democratization in its substance discussion period which has gone through 7 periods of presidential leadership.

The Deputy for Coordination of Information Communication and Apparatus of the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs added that there were 15 Ministries and 17 Professors and criminal law experts involved. The government began drafting the RKUHP in 1970 to replace the current KUHP. The process of discussing the Criminal Code is very long

On the other hand, Lecturer at the Faculty of Law, Trisakti University, Yenti Ganarsih explained, the RKUHP drafted by the government has 17 advantages as criminal law and a modern punishment system. In compiling the RKUHP, the government takes into account the principle of balance to an open and limited recodification of criminal law.

So it is indeed very important that the government continues to intensify efforts, namely conducting socialization regarding the Criminal Code Bill to all corners of Indonesia and even reaching the 3T area. Of course, this is because the public knows that there are so many articles in the RUU KUHP which in fact support the interests of the local community.

)* The author is a contributor to Persada Institute

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