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North Sumatra Mahupiki Chairman: The National Criminal Code Upholds the Dignity and Dignity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia


Medan – The Indonesian Criminal Law and Criminology Society (Mahupiki) has held socialization of the new Criminal Code at the Grand Mercure Maha Cipta Hotel Medan Angkasa on Monday (9/1/2023). This event is the result of Mahupiki’s collaboration with the State University (PTN) Faculty of Law, University of North Sumatra (USU).

Dr. Rizkan Zulyadi as Chairman of Mahupiki North Sumatra said that the new or national Criminal Code is able to accommodate all groups and layers of society and can uphold the dignity of the children of the Republic of Indonesia.

According to him, there is still a polemic related to the national Criminal Code that should be properly addressed for the sake of constructive results.

“There is still turmoil over issues related to certain or crucial articles that should be addressed by discussion with experts or appropriate forums so that constructive results can be obtained,” explained Rizkan.

Rizkan added, Mahupiki or Medan Area University is ready to become an extension of the Government in conducting outreach and facilitating other academic forums, so that it can provide literacy to all people about this new or national Criminal Code.

Previously, in his remarks at the socialization of the Criminal Code, the Chairman of Mahupiki North Sumatra explained that the national Criminal Code is a legal product of the nation’s children.

“We must be proud that the Criminal Code is a product of the nation’s children and one of the things that differentiates the new Criminal Code is that it contains a balance between human rights and their obligations. This means that the aspects discussed are not only how we demand human rights, but also discuss their obligations,” explained Dr. Rizcan.

Present as a guest speaker at the Criminal Code socialization and education event, Professor of Criminal Law, Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University, Prof. Dr. Pujiyono S.H., M.Hum., Criminal Law Expert at Gajah Mada University (UGM), Prof. Dr. Marcus Priyo Gunarto, S.H., M.Hum., and University of Indonesia (UI) Academics, Dr. Surastini Fitriasih S.H., M.H.

The socialization of the Criminal Code in Medan, North Sumatra was attended by many groups, starting from regional officials, namely the North Sumatra Regional Police Chief, Inspector General of Police RZ Panca Putra Simanjuntak, Head of the North Sumatra Regional BIN, Brigadier General Asep Jauhari, Head of the North Sumatra High Prosecutor’s Office, Idianto, SH, MH, bureaucrats from the Provincial Government of North Sumatra and Medan City Government, legal practitioners, academics, students to the general public.

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