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The Community Supports the National Capital Development Process (IKN)


By : David Falih Hansa )*

The community participates and works together to support all the development processes of the Archipelago IKN that have been initiated by the Government of Indonesia. This is not just an effort to distribute physical development equally, but also includes efforts to increase the quality of human resources.

The National Capital City (IKN) development project for the archipelago is targeted to at least be used for ceremonial celebrations in commemoration of Independence Day on the upcoming 17 August 2024. It is also undeniable that in this project, the government has an interesting scenario with the existence of several policies to continue to support the acceleration of IKN development.

Not only various kinds of policies have been prepared by the government in order to accelerate the development of IKN, but the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia (Menkeu RI), Sri Mulyani Indrawati revealed that there was also a role from the private sector or national to international private sector in the project.

Furthermore, Sri Mulyani also gave an explanation that there was a long-term plan for the National Archipelago IKN development project which was in accordance with the mandate in the Law (UU) which had previously been inaugurated as a form of strict regulation. The state has also issued various fiscal incentives whose aim is to increase the role or participation of various parties.

For information, building an Indonesian National Capital (IKN) is actually not only related to preparing infrastructure and the environment, but there are also things that are no less important, namely efforts to develop people.

Related to efforts to build people, whether they are residents who have long lived in East Kalimantan or people who plan to move there. Therefore, the Deputy for Regional Development of the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas, Rudy Prawiradinata explained that the design was really arranged in such a way, starting from how to design cities, transportation systems, buildings and so on.

It is known that the Province of East Kalimantan (East Kalimantan) has always had a very diverse social structure. Especially after the IKN Nusantara development project, which has been planned that there will be around 1.5 million newcomers there consisting of the State Civil Apparatus (ASN), the Indonesian National Army (TNI) to the Indonesian National Police (Polri). along with their families, as well as other economic actors who will be present in the IKN area.

For this reason, it is necessary to prepare the entire process of moving the IKN to East Kalimantan as well as possible so as not to cause unwanted problems by various parties. It is also important to have a comprehensive understanding of how the social, economic and cultural characteristics of the entire community will help Indonesia to realize a smarter, greener, beautiful and also sustainable IKN.

In the same vein, the Coordinating Minister (Menko) for Human Development and Finance (PMK), Muhajdir Effendy also explained that indeed human development is a serious matter to continue to be prepared for in welcoming the transfer of IKN. Precisely according to him, building an IKN using only a physical development approach is quite difficult, because besides requiring large funds it will also cause problems in the future if it is not balanced with the development of human resources (HR).

As the Coordinator for Human Development and Culture, he then ensured that his party would frequently visit North Penajam Paser (PPU) together with the relevant ministers under his coordination. The goal is that recently a program has been designed to accelerate HR preparation.

The whole community is invited to work hand in hand in preparing their best sons and daughters to be part of the development of the National Archipelago’s IKN. Even as a support, Muhajdir Effendy also added that he would collect data accurately related to the potential of youth to be able to take concrete steps to enter a new era at PPU to become IKN.

The Coordinating Ministry for PMK will also prioritize a scholarship program for the younger generation in North Penajam Paser to be able to take the education needed in preparing suitable job opportunities in the next 10 to 20 years so that recruitment of wide-open job opportunities will be able to absorb a large number of workforce from local community.

In an effort to create an IKN that is plural and also harmonious at the same time with the identity of the Indonesian nation, the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture added that it is very necessary to have a comprehensive understanding and planning of social and cultural aspects including the economy.

Not surprisingly, with all the commitments that have been given by the government, the community then welcomed them very well and participated in supporting all the development processes of the National Archipelago Institute because indeed one of its goals is to be able to improve people’s welfare.

)* The author is a contributor to Persada Institute

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