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Papua Youth Creative Hub Distributes the Creativity of Young Papuans


The construction of the Papua Youth Creative Hub (PYCH) in Sowi Village, South Manokwari District is one of the Indonesian government’s efforts to support the role of the younger generation in managing Papua’s economic potential. It is also hoped that the involvement of the younger generation in the development of Papua can accelerate the progress and welfare of the people of Cenderawasih Earth

PYCH is a follow-up embodiment of the meeting between President Jokowi and youth figures assisted by the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) who are members of the Inspiring Young Papua (PMI) in September 2019 at the State Palace.

The construction of the PYCH Building in Manokwari was initiated by the Head of BIN, Police General (P) Budi Gunawan and President Joko Widodo, who was enthusiastically welcomed by the youth and people of Papua.

PMI Papua Province Coordinator, Neil Leonardo Aiwoy, revealed that one of the programs he presented to President Joko Widodo was related to the construction of the PYCH Building which is a place for creativity. The building has been completed and is ready to be inaugurated by President Joko Widodo.

President Joko Widodo appreciated the aspirations that had been given by the youth who were members of PMI. He fully supports the development of this creativity center which can provide more space for Papuan and West Papuan youth in the development of technology, innovation and local Papuan products.

Meanwhile, PMI West Papua Coordinator, Simon Tabuni also welcomed the construction of PYCH in Manokwari. He thanked BIN, the Regional Government and all those who pushed for this development. For him, this has tremendous benefits for young people throughout Papua, especially in West Papua. Later there will be various trainings that can facilitate young talents so they can improve their human resources.

Simon also stated that the involvement of PMI and BIN in improving the economy of the people of Papua and West Papua is in line with Presidential Instruction Number 09 of 2020 concerning Accelerating Prosperity in Papua and West Papua.

Deputy IV for Economic Intelligence at BIN, Gde Made Kartikajaya, has directly inspected the location of the land that was donated, accompanied PMI’s children, Lurah in Sowi Village, South Manokwari District, Jeckson Ullo and other figures. Jeckson also expressed his support for the construction of the PYCH Building in Manokwari.

The PYCH building has a main building consisting of two floors, and two dormitory buildings. In this building there are rooms for MSME products, training rooms, meeting rooms, multipurpose rooms, rooms that can be used for co-working spaces , technology learning rooms to libraries. In addition, there is also a tribune-shaped room with a capacity of more than 300 people. This room can be used for performances, religious and others.

Not only that, the PYCH Building is equipped with 100 Mbps internet speed with symmetrical 1:1 upstream downstream bandwidth , which is spread throughout the building. There is also CCTV up to the control room. Next to the main building, there are futsal and basketball courts. PMI head office is also in the same building.

Within the PYCH environment there are also two dormitory buildings consisting of 24 rooms with complete bed facilities, wardrobes, en-suite bathrooms and others. Each room has a capacity of two people. So, a total of the two dormitory buildings have 48 rooms, which can be occupied by 96 people. In addition, PYCH is also equipped with a centralized fire alarm system in the control room, connected to all speakers inside and outside the building.

PYCH adopts a green building concept that utilizes natural energy, such as lighting and wind. Thus, the PYCH Building does not need lights during the day. Likewise the dormitory building, without lighting the lights remain bright on all sides because there are lots of windows and ventilation holes.

In terms of architectural design, the roof of the main PYCH building was inspired by the traditional houses of the people of Jayapura and Wamena City, namely the Honai roof and the Kariwari roof. As a whole, PYCH was built on an area of ​​15 thousand square meters with a main building area of ​​3,520 square meters and 1,812 square meters of supporting buildings. This building has a parking area with a capacity of 53 cars, 154 motorbikes, and landscapes.

The construction of the PYCH Building, which was initiated by PMI with support from BIN, is expected to become a center for self-development of the talents and creativity of young people in Papua. It is also hoped that the creativity that so far has been possessed by young Papuan friends can emerge on the national and international stage.

It is planned that PYCH Buildings will also be built in 7 customary areas in Papua and West Papua Provinces, as well as 1 PYCH Building in Maluku Province. The development plan is supported by all institutions and institutions, and is enthusiastically welcomed by the youth and the community.

)* The author is a Papuan student domiciled in Bandung.

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